Off-World Passion (Ione of Tamaran)

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His mind had wandered off, thinking of a way to find the information he had been looking for. Trapped was not the word he would use in this kind of situation, but that was what happened if anyone would look and comment on his situation. But for a moment, a slight moment, his mind reminded him why exactly he adventured himself to outer space. His mind tried to forget not only the devastating truth that was happening all over Gotham, but the harsh pain that his heart would give out remembering what had happened. It has been easy for him to ignore the feeling, years of masking his emotions having helped him act as neutral as possible. But the memories were there reminding him of such a hurtful event.

Apart from being mentally hurt, his body was now aching. Unnoticeable bruises all over his body as he sighed. His eyes were staring at the glowing orange handcuffs that he had over his wrists, thinking of what he needed to do before he finally escaped this place for good. But his mind also went to the silent female that was right next to him. He could feel that she wanted to escape this place as well, wanting to end the suffering of being a slave. But all she ever did was keep the painful memory alive with all of her curiosity on him.

"Sounds like you put up one helluva fight" He stayed silent, his eyes glancing ever so slightly at the orange skinned female next to him. He was reminded of the wife of Dick Grayson, both females being from the same species. "Heard it took three dozen stormers to bring you down" He could also see the smirk on her face, as if she was enjoying that fact. Her eyes looked straight at him before she returned to watching the plain wall in front of the two. "It took four for me, but who's keeping score?" He let out a slight grunt at that, his eyes trying to look as neutral as ever. Yet it was all a fraud he was building around him, his hands already on the work of trying to escape the prison he was in. His earlier scuffle with the stormers gave him the opportunity to acquire a curved and pointed piece of metal that he could use to liberate himself from the chains that constricted him. "Though you did something nobody else has ever done. You saved lots of lives in those stacks"

He continued with his current objective of breaking out of the cuffs, yet her words resonated with him. He was glad that he had been able to save lives, lives that were important in the grand scheme of escaping from this hell hole. But most of all, no one deserved to die in such a brutal way. He was a hero, one that protected the weak and punished all the evildoers. So, while he needed to find whoever was the one responsible for affecting Gotham the way it has done, he could not ignore the cry of help the other prisoners shouted in unison.

"Though, words are spreading that Captain Syn is thinking of... thinning the herd, if you get what I am saying" He narrowed his eyes a bit, his current objective getting prioritized because of all the innocents that would die if that ever happened. He could not allow himself to be killed, nor anyone else for that matter, by the hands of the pretentious alien pirate that became paranoid all of a sudden. "Tomorrow we will all die. We're all going space walking without our suits" He could practically hear the sadness in her voice, full of regret and pent-up anger. He only began to accelerate his hand movements, trying to force the cuffs to shut down and bring him the freedom he was looking for. "I'm sorry, sorry that you will never make it back to... whoever it was you left behind"

It was then that he, for the slightest of moments, stopped trying to break off the cuffs. A slight intake of air was the reaction he made unconsciously, and one he knew that the female right next to him caught completely. She was giving him an understanding look, one that he saw was full of past regrets and a failed love. He didn't even need her to tell him what her face had told him in seconds. But he also noticed that she was also growing attached to him, only spending time with him within the bars that kept them in place. And he could admit that he had also grown quite attached to the female, the female that also kept reminding him of the one that hurted him greatly.

"I also fell in love, before I was imprisoned here..." He could see it clearly in her eyes, the regret that haunted her for the one thing that she lost long ago. There was nothing to be done, only being able to remember the good times before ending up forgetting all about the special someone. He knew much about those kinds of scenarios, already having suffered through it twice in his life. "I was too late to save him..." He regained his composure and kept going with trying to break free from the cuffs that were in his wrists. With all of the prisoners seemingly dying the following day, he needed to act now before all was over. "So I have found it easier to save lives instead, to remember him by" He could understand that feeling. But after all was said and done, they needed a plan. He was no Superman, the Man of Steel would have already escaped and saved everyone from this hell hole he had been trapped in. But he will be damned if he couldn't at least do something for all of the prisoners. "But sooner or later, the consequences of our actions are the things that will get us killed... Sorry Bat-Man"

"Batman... I'm Batman, Ione" For the first time through the one-sided conversation, he spoke. Ione of Tamaran reminded him quite a lot of Starfire, carefree by nature yet responsible at the end of the day. A slight smirk appeared on his face, relishing in the shocked yet flushed face that the female was making as he deactivated the cuffs on his wrists and let the chains fall to the ground with a soft thud. "Maybe you are right..." He began to help the female out with her own chained wrists, his eyes looking directly at her own. He could see the cybernetic enhancements that she had all over her body, probably from all the escapades she has done all through the different galaxies. Another thud was heard, his eyes looking just as the cuff of the female Tamaranean imprisoned with him fell to the ground as well. "But I am definitely not dying today"

He watched as the female slowly approached his face, with her lips making contact with his own. He didn't force a separation, actually enjoying the soft lips from the female in front of him. Though it did not last long before the two of them heard alarms all over the ship. He stared at her, a small smile on her face as the two got up and ready to fight. It would be quite a ride if he had anything to say on the matter, but it was one that he would go all over again if he gets to go through it with Ione by his side.

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