Bee-lieving in Love (Zazzala, aka Queen Bee)

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"Queen Bee... Zazzala..." She smiled slightly at the name, her mind wondering just how the cape crusader knew of her real name. Sure she had been using the name Marcia Monroe as an undercover name and she knew Batman on an intimate level, but she had never told the man her real name. It was surprising to see that not even with her schemes, she could convince Batman otherwise. Because it was apparent that he knew exactly who she was from the start. And knowing this only made her heart throb harder than ever. Because it meant that even while knowing, he still accepted her.

"I see you know who I am" Her hand was grabbing his own, pulling him up from the trap door that she had installed in one of the many escape routes she had for herself. As an extraterrestrial being, she was on Earth to analyze the planet before trying to make it their new home. Yet she could admit that she had fallen to greed, to the sin of wanting more than what she asked for. "But believe in me, I am trying to save you" Regret escaped from her mouth as soon as she remembered exactly what she did against the one who held her heart. Companionship had been hard to find, especially when she was impersonating someone she barely knew of. But she found such companionship in the Dark Knight himself. And while the situation that got them together still made her embarrassed to this day, she was happy that she got to know the man who protected Gotham. "Please, follow me. We have to hurry"

"I recognized your voice" She cursed silently, though she knew deep down that it was something that she was missing from her suit. How has the man, who she noticed was also not using anything to change his voice, not been recognized by the media as of yet; she will never know. But it was not the time to think of that, her legs instinctively moving her to the locations that they needed to go. She could hear the hero following close behind her, following her without any doubt. It was yet another characteristic that made her fall for him. "Why frame me?"

And it was there that she flinched, her hand just over the knob that she was turning. It made her stop, made the two of them vulnerable for moments. She then reacted, opening the door softly before the two kept on walking. She didn't know how to answer his question, and didn't know how to explain herself. She could always try and say that it was because of her father, or at least the one who was her Terran father. But she couldn't, not with the man knowing who she really was. So she began to really think, to find a way to make it up to him.

"I had to maintain my cover, darling" She began to explain herself, finding the right words that would make him understand her actions. She was not asking for forgiveness, she couldn't do that, but she could at least explain why she acted in such a way against him. "Ever since I perfectly supplanted Marcia Monroe, I had to act just like her" It was not a lie, it was exactly what she was doing. She was the queen to an entire alien race, a race that was trying to find a new home among the stars. It was a miracle that her species look almost identical to humans, with only their eyes being slightly different than usual. "And that meant that I had to do everything in my reach to help my father" She stopped, her body reclining against the frame of the elevator. "But understand that I did not want to do any of this"

"Zazzala..." She sighed a bit, resigning to her fate. But she knew that she had to tell him everything, to make him understand that she didn't care about her mission as Queen Bee nor her mission as Zazzala. That all she wants right now is to be Marcia Monroe, the red-haired female who fell deeply in love with the Dark Knight of Gotham City. She opened the elevator, yet not transportation was available, only the cables that would maintain the elevator shaft being visible. She had to control her feelings, until she was able to escape the predicament that she currently found herself in.

"This should lead you towards the weapons' room" She said with the most neutral voice she could muster. It hurt, it deeply hurt her soul just talking to him with such neutrality. She loved him, she couldn't see a happy life if he was not by her side. She could not get him out of her mind, not since that fateful day that had been marked in history between the two of them. Not even with how hard she tried, she could never forget the love she feels for him. "Please... Save yourself. I don't want to see the man I love getting hurt any longer"

It was then that, as she began to walk away, a hand stopped her. She opened her eyes quite wide, her heart throbbing against her chest as hard as it could. She didn't dare look back, and she definitely didn't want to look back. She feared that if she made the decision to look back, it would ruin the chance she had given him to escape. But she ended up looking back, and her heart soared through the roof and into the endless sky.

"Come with me" Simple words that made her choke out a sob. Words that crumbled her resolve quicker than she had expected. Feeling wanted was something that she was not used to. Sure her subjects would always follow her to the end of the world, but having a partner was very different. The trust she had formed with him had only strengthened because of their love for each other, something she knew from the bottom of her heart. "I'll help you through this"

"Why? Why go to such length for-"

"Because I love you, honey" The nickname he had for her escaping from his lips was the last straw. She gave in, gave up in trying to find some other way of redeeming herself. Her hands snaked themselves around his neck, while her legs also snared themselves on his hips. And it definitely was not long before she kissed him straight on his lips. She missed this feeling, the feeling of his lips against her own was something that she had begun to enjoy deeply. The moment was broken with the need of air, both of them separating softly.

"I love you too, darling" She returned the feelings. She knew that he was aware of her feelings for him, she had made them quite clear before she even began acting as Queen Bee. She would be forever in debt with him, never forgetting that because of him she will be having a new life soon. "And I am going to make things right..." She took something out of her pocket, her hand opening slowly. She could see just how the man opened his eyes to express his appreciation, something that only filled her with happiness. "And to do so, I will be returning this..."

No other words needed to be spoken between the two. No other words would be able to explain that she had been the winner at the end of the day. She would call off any sort of invasion that her people may have started in her absence and fix any problem that they may have caused. She didn't want any kind of trouble with the heroes of Earth, not when Batman was the one that held her heart to begin with. She will help him as he helped her, and protecting Gotham would be one of her many actions. Because she was doing it for him, and the love they had for each other.

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