Frozen Hearts (Tora Olafsdotter, aka Ice)

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He sighed, his mind already preparing itself for the aching that it was going to receive in a few seconds. He didn't know why he agreed to such an invitation, his work starting to fall behind. But he knew that he could trust those that he had left in charge. His family would be able to handle things while he will appear as a guest in this ulterior party. He has had his suspicions for quite some time, the invitation itself taking him by slight surprise. And it held true as soon as he noticed that it had been Harvey Dent, more commonly known as the villain Two Face, who had been the one to send the letters.

And with that in mind, he decided to get his hands dirty in the work of Two Face, foil whichever plan the man had in store. That is if the man had ulterior motives to begin with. If not, he was always able to enjoy the party with his date. He had to admit, that while not a female he would be around that often, that she was the best pick to help him in this matter. He couldn't risk getting caught by Dent's paranoid dark side. He needed to act with caution. So he had to invite a fellow member of the Justice League to be his date, explaining everything to her and eventually revealing his identity to the woman.

"Never would I have expected to be going to a party undercovered..." He smiled slightly, the woman looking at him with a bemused expression. He looked at her firmly, appreciating the effort of trying to blend in with the crowd that they were soon to be a part of. She was wearing a dark blue dress, sparkling as if it had been made out of ice. A beautiful silver chain with a sapphire acting as a pendant, while a pair of sapphire earrings hung from her earlobe. Though what attracted him most was the simple yet beautiful details the female had on her face. "Especially with Batman"

"You are, Tora" He simply answered, looking just at how the female chuckled slightly at his tone. Her dark blue lips were only accentuating the beauty that she already had, looking just how they twitched up to create a bigger smile than before. He knew that Tora Olafsdotter, a fellow hero known as Ice, would be perfect for this. Not only was it believable that he, Bruce Wayne, would have a model as his date, but it will distract his enemies from knowing exactly who he was since the revelation of Catwoman's betrayal to all the crime syndicates from Gotham. "Just act like always, no need to raise up suspicion"

"This really does feel like a date" She commented, his eyes catching the sudden solemn look she created. He tried not to flinch, but his eyes clearly reflected just how worried he was for the sudden change in atmosphere. He could remember the failed relationship between the female across from him and Guy Gardner, a fellow hero who was better known as Green Lantern. With the man succumbing to Rage and, for some months, becoming the villain known as Red Lantern. He still remembers the pain that she went through for those months, the tears that he had seen her hide. "It makes me forget..."

He said nothing, his hand moving towards her own. He grasped it softly, earning him the confused stare from the ice powered female. He could see just how her somber look changed, a sheepish smile replacing the previous expression. He wanted her to know that she was not alone, that she had many friends all around her that cared for her. He may not have always been the most worried friend, but he had high esteem for each and everyone of his fellow heroes.

"Enough about the past, Tora" He finally stated, his eyes looking at the model's very own eyes. She could see the pain in those beautiful blue eyes, eyes that showed a similar sorrow that he would hide in his heart. It was yet another reason as to why he went out of his way to invite Ice to the party. He didn't want her to keep going deeper into the darkness, a dusk that he was mostly a part of. He wanted her to be once again the happy yet cold heroine that everyone in the Justice League knew and loved. "It is soon time to arrive at the party"

"Of course..." He felt his hand receive a tight hold to them. He felt the appreciation that the blue haired female had for his words. He looked into her eyes once more, appreciating the kind smile that her lips created. He had to admit that Tora was about to steal the eyes of all the men as soon as the two of them arrived at the party. She looked dazzling, shining as bright as prismic ice. "The past cannot be changed" She added, finally letting go of his hand. He nodded at her words, not having been able to say it better. The past can not, should not, be changed. He had experienced first hand what it could be like to change the past, everything that it could change just because of one's greed.He hoped that it would not happen again any time soon. "And Bruce, thank you for this... Really"

He nodded, in no need to utter any other word. He felt the large fancy vehicle stop, sighing slightly at what it meant. He had to take a deep breath, his mind preparing itself for what was going to happen. He opened the door, knowing full well that reporters would be there. It was just a matter of time, moments before Tora and himself would face off against reporters creating their own ideas about what the two of them together could mean. Immediately, he was slightly blinded by a bright flash. Cameras already taking pictures of the newest guest of the party

"It's Bruce Wayne!" He only smiled at the emotive voice of one of the reporters. He walked towards the other side of the vehicle, his mind on being able to treat Tora with the utmost respect that she deserves. He grabbed the handle of the door softly, gently pulling the handle to open the door. He appreciated the beauty of Tora one last time before they would be hounded by reporters and guests at the party. He nodded at her, a gesture that was replicated towards him. He then extended his hand, grabbing softly the hand of the female hero to help her get out of the vehicle. "Wait! That is Tora?! The most popular model of this era!"

He heard her soft chuckle, which only worked to further widen his own smile. He intertwined his arm with her own, walking towards the entrance together. He felt just how Tora's thumb softly caressed his bicep, though he didn't know whether it was because she wanted to feel his muscles or because she was nervous because this was an undercover mission. So he let her be, both of them walking further into the party. He had his eyes open for anything, though he would also try to enjoy the night with Tora and give her a night to remember. It was the least he could do for the female who agreed to help him with this. Though maybe taking her to dinner after this should make things more interesting between the two.

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