Night Lovers (Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman)

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It was raining, water dripped down his cowl and towards his suit. He was concentrating on her, the woman who had made his life mean something. It was no longer about his fears, he was terrified that he was really going to end up alone. They haunt him in his nightmares, the fears he had accumulated throughout the years as Batman. Yet whenever she was around, he felt only happiness. It had been something that he had forgotten. To remember what it means to be happy, he had to go back in time to those days where his parents were still breathing.

He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to think of the words that he wanted to communicate. His mind was overthinking everything, every step he needed to take to get the answer that he wants. But for the first time, he knew that he had to talk with his heart. To show her his feelings, even if it could be difficult to do so. She needed to know that her presence in his life had made him a better man. He had to stop being afraid, to finally grab that tiny ray of hope for his own.

"Cat..." He spoke, his voice echoing through the rooftop that they had just landed on. He took a few steps, getting closer to the woman that meant everything to him. Selina Kyle, a woman who had him whiplashing his neck back since the day that they met. It had been years, years of pent-up feelings wanting to come out. Yet because of all of his fears, he kept them far away from his heart. But it was time to face those fears, to not feel scared of ever losing someone he wants in his life. He needed Selina Kyle in his life.

"Bat?" He stared at her, her eyes looking at him with a confused look to them. Her beautiful green eyes were a shade of red, an effect the crystal of the mask she was wearing had. It was unusual to start talking to her as Batman, but everything started with them. Batman and Catwoman, the hero and the burglar. A forbidden love that, in his eyes, did not matter any longer. She was going straight, out of the life of crime and actually helping him in patrolling the dark nights of Gotham City. He turned around, a slight hint of fear in his heart. He was going to tell her about his feelings from the beginning, when he made the conscious decision that he wanted her in his life forever. But he couldn't look at her, his body trembling slightly at the thought.

"When I first met you on that boat-"

"We met on the street" He had to hand it to Selina, her interruption made him relax a bit. But he was still annoyed that she couldn't remember that day. He clearly remembers it, no mist in his mind about that day. A day that he would never forget, not even with old age he would dare forget that day. It was the day that he made his decision, the day that he could care less about the money he had spent. He would have sold the mansion if he had to do so in order to have what he wanted.

"On the boat, the diamond you stole" He clarified, his head moving slowly. His eyes began to stare at the female once again, looking at the sudden wideness of the eyes of the ex-burglar. It seems that she didn't forget, he felt a huge weight loss from his shoulders as soon as he saw that. Memories should always be treasured, and he wanted to create new ones with the woman in front of him. "After I got it back..." He hesitated slightly, his words stumbling shortly on his tongue. He needed to tell her, he couldn't stop now. Not when he had already started, when he had gone too far now. She had the right to know of his feelings. "I bought it, I've had it for years"

"W-What?" He stared away from her again, not wanting to see her reaction. As soon as he did so, he started to curse himself silently. He had to stop being scared, to forget about the darkness in his heart and start trying to have something that was not the misery that always had inhabited it. He needed to get away from it, the misery inside had overstayed its welcome. He needed her to be able to move on, to forget the pain that had been always inside.

"I knew, even at the beginning, I needed it" He confessed, finally turning around to face her. He had to be brave and bold, to look straight to his fears. To destroy the traumas and quell the darkness. He had been in misery for far too long. And as Alfred Pennyworth would often tell him, he needed his other half. He knew that he had found his other half all those years ago. But he had been scared; of being ignored, being betrayed, tha his love was unrequited. "I needed it" He took his mask off, he couldn't be Batman any longer. He had to be Bruce Wayne, the man who owned Wayne Enterprises. The man who still remembers being a pained child, a grieving teen and a lonesome adult. He needed to change. So he moved his hands towards the mask of the female. He didn't want to say this to Catwoman, he wanted to express his feelings to the woman behind Catwoman. "Just like, I need you"

He didn't know if she was crying, the rain making it difficult for him. It was like going down their memory lane. The good, the bad and the downright ugly; both of them had spent much of their life together. But even with all the ups and down, he would never change the past. It was the reason that he was able to meet the woman of his life, the one that he wishes would be able to carry their children in her womb. He could finally smile, after all the years he spent not doing so, thanks to her. Everything good in his miserable life had been all thanks to her. He had even made mistakes with his adopted sons, mistakes that he will carry over his shoulders for the rest of his life. But meeting her, falling in love with her and even doing what he was about to do; was no mistake. It will be, and will forever be, the one thing that he doesn't regret in his life.

"I love you, Selina" He had finally said it, words that he needed to say since that day on the boat. He should have just gulped down his pride, he could have had everything he ever wanted in life by now. But it didn't matter any longer, he had a new opportunity to make things right. To tell her before he may regret not telling her in the first place. Getting on his knees, he moved his right hand to one of the pockets of his utility belt. He instantly found it, the black square that he hid inside his belt. He looked straight to the eyes of Selina, his eyes only showering her with every single love he had in his heart. "Will you marry me?"

Everything seemed to stop, his eyes staring at Selina remaining unresponsive to his question. Her widened eyes were telling him more than he would ever want to know. She was also scared. He knew that it was sudden, that he should have prepared himself a bit more. His heart started to ache just thinking about it. But before he knew it, she launched herself at him. Their lips met together, the answer to his question. His heart soared in happiness, their lips corresponding to each other's feelings. But he stopped the kiss, his eyes looking at her own as he removed the ring that had the same diamond that she had stolen all those years ago. He removed one of her gloves, wanting to place the ring on its rightful place. He was smiling all the way, and even seeing the woman cry in joy was making him happy. He just kissed her again, thankful that he trusted those who had told him to seek his happiness. To take a leap of fate and take what he wants. He finally has her love, and he was not going to let go of it.

Time Skip

Selina Wayne-Kyle was a very fortunate woman. Having been married to Bruce Wayne for almost five years now, she could say that it was the best years of her life. She even had to think back to the craziness that she almost committed on the day of the wedding. Leaving him on the altar would have been the worst thing she could have ever done to him. It was by some sort of miracle that she did not follow Andrea Beaumont's advice. Because she would regret not being by his side.

She was making her way towards their daughter's room, their baby daughter who only was a few months old. She wanted to hold her in her chest a bit before deciding to sleep. She had been with her for most of the day, yet she still thought that it was not enough. Yet as soon as she started to approach the door to Helena's room, she saw her loving husband softly caressing their daughter on his arms. She smiled widely at that, her shoulder reclining in the frame of the door. Her eyes even sparkled at the scene in front of her, trying to remember each and every second of it.

And she could say that she was very impressed. Hands that were usually brutal with the likes of Joker, were being gentle and caring with their daughter. Nobody could start to understand him like she does, years spent together made sure that she knew every single detail about the man in front of her. He could beat up bad guys every day of the week in brutal and horrifying manners. But at the end of the day, his hands were there to protect the innocent. And she was seeing firsthand just how careful his hands were when dealing with someone who was innocent. And she loved him dearly for it.

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