Power of the Stars (Kara Zor-L, aka Power Girl)

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She stood on the rooftop of a hospital, her chest breathing slightly chaotic. Even with the problem solved, one that should not have happened in the first place, the tiredness was still there. She was glad that everything finished without any major incident, her arms crossed under her large chest. She sighed silently, letting her breath free. She raised her head, her eyes looking straight at the man who had recently returned back from the dead.

"He's agreed to visit the Justice Society?" Bruce Wayne, the man who called himself vengeance and the original Batman, stood close to her with his ever-stoic expression on his face. She smiled slightly, barely noticeable to the normal eye. She could admit that she had missed him, the period of time when he was gone left a hole in the spirits of everyone who knew him. She had seen it with her very eyes, yet his return only caused more trouble for the recently revived Dark Knight.

"Yeah..." She muttered, her voice loud enough for the man to hear her. She closed her eyes momentarily, remembering the metahuman that she and Batman were trying to previously capture. Knowing the truth about people really was able to change the perspective of some. "The Society has been about bringing in new blood. Helping the gifted find their footing" She smiled slightly, remembering just how the Society even gave someone like her a home. Ever since she arrived in this world, a world that was not her own, the Society had made her feel welcomed. And she wished to impart its welcoming to others as well, more than happy to help the metahuman with his problems. Though she did smirk slightly, remembering what else the Society was good at. "Finding heroes..."

"Good" His simple reply made her chuckle silently at the sight. She even shook her head in slight delight, remembering the many times that the hero would answer with the same words. She faintly remembers the time he answered with those exact words to a question she had, something that had happened many moons ago. "I'll follow through on who's responsible for mister Mazin's wrongful detention" She squirmed the moment he darkened his voice, the man being able to instill fear to even those who didn't feel fear. She would bet money that even the personification of fear would stop dead in its tracks. "That has been an egregious miscarriage of justice"

"Do that..." She answered back, not really knowing what she had to say. She has remembered quite clearly why Batman, even if he didn't have any powers, was someone to watch out for. Her spine shivered, already feeling the goosebumps that his voice could cause on anyone that gained his ire. Yet even with her fear, she felt quite excited by the prospect of a dangerous Bruce Wayne. She likes strong men, which is why she had various heroes in her sight. But no other was like Bruce, someone that even without talking could instill fear. "Nail their butts to a few walls"

"Keep me updated on Mazin's progress" She even heard him grunt before he spoke, probably agreeing to her final sentence. She honestly had no idea if he was going to do as she asked, but it was nice knowing that the hero at least recognized what she had said. She watched him move silently, her very perceptive ears not even hearing each and every step he was taking towards the aircraft behind her. He passed her, her body twisting slowly as she kept her eye on him. She really did miss him, preferring to be with Bruce than to be with Richard Grayson. The mentee of Bruce Wayne got on her nerves more times than she could count.

"I will..." She said, watching just how the man jumped to the cockpit of the aircraft he owned. He always seemed to find a way to eliminate a weakness, even if it was as trivial as not being able to fly. She gained a sad smile on her face, her eyes shifting to a slight frown as she reminisced about the days where he was gone. It hurt; her heart ached in pain just by thinking about it. "And Bruce..." She stared right back, her baby blue eyes looking at the hero who just glanced right at her. She walked slowly towards him, barely a few feet away from the aircraft. She wanted to be honest with him, to let him know that he was missed by everyone. That she missed him. Her left arm was clutching her right shoulder, slight discomfort while talking about her feelings. It was a sore topic, one that she barely would talk with anyone. "It's good to have you back"

She reclined her body at the still open cockpit of the aircraft, her face very close to the face of the Dark Knight. She tried to show him that she was worried about him, that she missed him for all those days that he was dead. And to show him as well that she was happy to see him amongst the living. It was surreal, at first, but she became ecstatic seconds after. What worried her more was the fact of losing him again, of not being able to tell him of her feelings just because she had troubles with dealing with them at the moment.

"I... I never really got to say... Well..." She faltered, her mind not deciding what she wanted to tell him. Should she just evade the topic entirely and go on with her life or tell him the truth? She didn't know, even when her heart pleaded at her to just be honest. She just couldn't, fear struck deep. Yet her expression of care and worry did not change. But before she could even realize what she did, her lips were already leaving their mark on his cowl. "It... It killed me... Knowing that you were gone..." She whispered, her cheeks gaining a red hue as soon as her mind realized what she had done. It was embarrassing, to act without even wanting to. Yet, her heart finally stopped aching as much. Relief spread throughout her entire body just by giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm happy that you're back, Bruce..."

"Happy to be back, Kara..." She separated herself from the cockpit, watching the hatch close slowly and the aircraft leaving the rooftop in a matter of seconds. She kept her eyes on the hero, thankful for her eyesight right at this moment. She couldn't help it, watching him fly away brought her more fear than when he would jump from rooftops to fight crime. And even with her fear, she smiled. She smiled because he was once again back in her life, and she would make sure to not let him die again.

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