The Sensational Hunt (Helena Bertinelli, aka Huntress)

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Helena Bertinelli, also known as the Huntress, was riding on her motorcycle after having changed into her hero persona. She had found out of a prison break at the Arkham Asylum, where normally villains of the Dark Knight were. She couldn't help but slightly blush as she thought of the hero. Her relationship with the hero has developed greatly since the moment that she finally got the courage to actually confess her feelings to the hero in black. To win the war that she had entered alongside Catwoman and Black Canary. But she ignored that memory, her eyes focusing once more on the slightly dark road ahead.

The wind blades ran through her hair, making it flow rapidly as she accelerated her bike to get to the Arkham Asylum on time. She was thankful for Batman, since it was because of him that she had this amazing beautiful bike. The bike could even run over water thanks to some modifications that were done to her previously destroyed bike. She was very thankful to the hero that she even gave him a kiss for fixing up her bike and improving it.

"Can't wait to see you again, Brucie" Helena thought as a smile appeared on her face. She knew of the hero's identity, how else would she be able to spend alone time with her boyfriend. Though it wasn't widely known to others besides Bruce's adoptive family, she is dating the Dark Knight of Gotham and they are going to make it to their eight month anniversary. She was surprised that it had been this long of a relationship, but she didn't regret a single moment of it. She always enjoyed the company of her boyfriend.

But the only bad thing about the relationship was the distance between the two. They made it work, no doubt about that, but she always wanted to be with him. Though she knew it was not possible after the events that attacked him on a personal level. The Joker... how she hated that name to a passion and how she wished she could have the man in front of her to give him a piece of her mind. But she knew that it wouldn't be long for them to be together with no distance in between them.

"Watch out, my Dark Knight~" She purred to herself, already expecting the reunion between the two of them. She drove as if the devil was chasing her. She dodged each and every single car in her way. She always was in the mood when he called her, and she was always ready to please him with everything she had. The last time, they role played and she could say that acting as a huntress hunting her prey and then having her way with him had been the most exciting moment in her life. "Because the Huntress is going to get you out of trouble~"

Time Skip; With Batman

Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, could see just how his villains kept attacking him on a whim. Soft grunts escaped from his lips as he swiftly avoided the attacks that his enemies were trying and failing at. He could handle the bunch of villains that were trying to escape from the Asylum at this moment. He had already stopped Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb by making the duo slam themselves to the nearest wall. So he was only dealing with Calendar Man, Firefly and the Riddler. He was moving carefully, his eyes trying to see where the following attack would strike from. Though he was not as lucky as people would think, with a couple of thugs joining the fray as well. He struck all of the thugs down, with his body barely evading the flamethrower that came from Firefly's weapon.

"Why won't you die already?!" Bruce released a sigh in resignation, forgetting just how impatient Firefly could get with his pyromaniac activities. A glance to the side and he saw Calendar Man trying to rush at him with a tackle and promptly did a barely noticeable shake with his head. He already knew how to deal with all of his villains, including Calendar Man, which was why he was able to easily leap over the hulking man and easily make him fall unconscious from slamming him into the nearest pole he could find. But it was then that a turrent of flames made impact with him, a grunt escaping his lips as he heard the pyromaniac laugh uncontrollably.

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