Chapter 1

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New York City. A few days later

Lucasia jolted awake by her alarm. She sighed softly and turned it off before getting up from the bed to prepare for work quickly. Today was a very important day for her. She's been tracking down that fucker since so long and today he would pay. With that thought in mind, she smirked and went into her closet to take out a fresh pair of clothes for her. She then went into her bathroom to freshen up wanting to watch that bastard go in jail already.

After fifteen minutes, she came out fully dressed in a professional black suit that fitted perfectly with her body curves. Her long dark hair tied into a ponytail. No make up. She didn't like it. She liked her natural beauty and didn't find it necessary to apply layers of make up to look like a clown. That was her personal opinion. She preferred natural beauty.

Once she was satisfied with her look. She headed to the kitchen downstairs and quickly prepared two toasts and a cup of coffee. She then fed her black cat Maleficent and brought her file in the living room. Settling down on the sofa, she drank her coffee savouring the taste of it. Ah the perfect touch of bitterness she needed just before starting her day!

She quickly ate her toast going briefly through the file containing all information, pictures and recordings of witnesses that she got. She had quite a lot of evidences against this guy and she hoped justice would be offered.

As soon as she finished eating. She washed all the utensils and left the house with a smile on her face. She started her range rover and drove off to work. Content that after all this time, she would finally get the satisfaction of punishing that fucker.

After reaching her destination. She quickly parked her car and grabbed the file containing all the evidence of the man she hated before heading towards the building. However her phone suddenly rang making her stop dead in her tracks.

She hurriedly pulled her phone out of her pocket and without even bothering to check the ID properly. She picked up and asked "What is it?"

"Manners Gattina, tsk tsk, really rude for a lawyer" The person on the other line said. A deep male voice to be exact. One that she didn't like one bit.

Confused and irritated, she pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at the screen only to see a private number. Something was off.

"Who are you?" She asked slightly irritated and worried.

A soft chuckle was heard in reply."I'm someone you certainly would not want to mess with. So if you really want your little brother to be safe, I suggest you listen to me and come to the address I will send you," The man said threateningly.

Lucasia's eyes widened and she immediately gripped the phone tightly in fear. "Who the fuck are you? Why would I believe you?" She asked hoping this was just some sick joke.

"See for yourself then," The man simply replied cutting the call before she could even reply.

"Damn it! That fucker" Lucasia cursed loudly looking at her phone screen in anger and fear.

Her brother was supposed to be at school. Surely her mom would know if he wasn't there. Still she waited, her heart hammering in her chest the whole time and indeed after a few seconds she received a picture of her brother tied up in a dark room with an address sent to her.

Her heart dropped and her stomach churn in fear. That bastard wasn't lying. She stared at the picture, transfixed and paralysed with shock and fear. But then staring at her little brother in that state made her fury slowly rise to the point, she gripped her phone with a death grip.

She was going to kill that man! Clenching her jaw she got back inside her car, threw her file on the passenger seat and sped up hurriedly to the address she received.

As soon as she arrived there, she was greeted with a huge mansion and stopped her car right in front of it before barging into the yard of the mansion not caring about the guards that were eyeing her out of curiosity or shock.

She walked quickly to the mansion and slammed the front door opened only to come face to face with her brother sitting calmly on the couch eating chocolate with earphones in his ear. What the actual fuck?! She blinked her eyes once not believing this was real.

"Orion?" She called out her brother's name and went towards him quickly but a man stood right in her way preventing her from going closer.

She stared at the man angrily looking at him from head to toe. He was a muscular man with grey eyes that looked hypnotising and dangerous just like the clouds before a thunderstorm or heavy rain. He had soft pale skin and sharp jawline with dark brown hair pulled back from his face revealing his forehead. He looked like a Greek god or a fallen devil. But she did not care one bit. She wanted an explanation.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Lucasia asked irritated.

"Gattina, you should really improve your manners. No respect at all " The man said shaking his head in disapproval. Gattina.. Again that name, he must be the bastard who talked to her on the phone.

"You threatened me on the phone and expect me to respect you? Oh should I bow to you as well?" She asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"You perhaps should. I'm Valentino king after all, the Italian Mafia boss himself, Gattina" The man said with a smirk making her feel more irritated. Arrogant bastard.

"I'm 25 years old by the way, just in case you are curious," He added before she could reply.

God he was getting on her nerves right now. Who did he think he was? He was Valentino king? So? She had punished mafia men before this was nothing new.

"I'm not scared of you. I have punished fucker like you before" She spat venom in her voice.

"Are you always this disrespectful and annoying? Or is it just with me?" Valentino asked rolling his eyes.

"What. Do. You. Want. From. Me?" She asked putting emphasis on each words.

"I want you to stop going after my brother" Valentino said making her eyebrows furrowed. What did he mean by his brother? She was going after only that bastard... Wait.. King.. He was... Valentino king and the man she was going to bring to the face of justice today was Jonathan King... Her eyes widened, realisation flickering on her face.

"You are.. His brother right?" She asked clenching her fist.

"Well done" Valentino replied clapping his hands. "Definitely intelligent. I will give you that" He added with a smirk.

"I'm not giving up on that case" She said pointedly not in the mood to put up with his behaviour.

"Oh you will. Now let's go to my office and discuss calmly about things or your brother here will die " He whispered leaning closer to her.

She took a step back and looked behind Valentino's shoulder, staring at her brother intently who did not even realised she was here. Sighing softly she looked back at Valentino. She clearly had no choice. Her brother's life was at stake "Fine let's go "She said.

Valentino smirked in reply and motioned for her to follow him to his office in the left corner of the living room. As soon as she entered inside the room after him. She shut the door and turned to face the Mafia boss. Her eyes cold and filled with wrath. " Now talk, What do you want?" She asked getting straight to the point.

"Wow, you are that desperate to get rid of me" Valentino said in a sarcastic way, plopping down on the couch and facing her.

"Talk NOW !" She said putting emphasis on the last word in a warning tone.

"Fine....I want you to give me all the evidence you have of my brother or I kill yours" He simply stated making her clench her fist in anger. 

There was no way she was doing that. Not after all the time it took to gather those evidences. She had no proof of what he nearly did to her but she found out about his other sins... Jonathan definitely deserved to be in jail after all the girls he sold and after what he nearly... God.. Just the memory of it made her clench her jaw. She could not let that man go so easily but her brother's life was at stake. On one side, her thirst for justice.. On the other side her brother.  Did she have a way out of it without giving up on her case?

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