Chapter 30

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3 days later

Lucasia continued to prepare the cake, mixing all ingredients quickly. She had decided to bake a cake today. That's what she always did whenever she was too stressed out or worried. But this time it did not help one bit, her mind remind stuck with Valentino who was currently in front of her doorstep outside. He indeed stayed there for three whole fucking days like he vowed at the club. Day and night, he remained there no matter. No matter how much she told him to leave and to be honest it hurt her... Sometimes she even heard him sneeze with how cold it was outside yet he never left.

Everyday she opened the door to go to work, sometimes to go out with Evan and then come back home. She ordered him to leave but he remained seated there waiting and hoping for her to forgive him never once moving or even eating anything. Truth be told, she was dying to hold him. To kiss him and ride him till he loses his mind but no.. Not this time.. He left her for two months. He needed a punishment.

To be honest, she did not even believe it was real that night at the club. It was only when she woke up the next day and open up the door to go to work that she indeed saw Valentino on her doorstep looking at her pleadingly and that's when she realised he was indeed very well back in her life. Her heart was definitely aching and screaming for him and everytime he called her Gattina.. It did not help at all but was she ready to let him back in her life?

What if he leaves her again when another danger arrives? She won't be able to bear it. Sighing softly at the thought of that stubborn husband of hers, she stopped mixing the ingredients, removed her apron and headed in the living room towards the window. She then pulled away the curtains slightly and saw Valentino still seated there, his head leaning against the door.

She could not see him like that anymore... Maybe she could at least let him in and feed him. With a deep breath, she approached the door and gripped the doorknob. "Val stand up now and come inside. It's enough" She said before opening the door to find Valentino already back on his feet, looking at her with bags under his eyes.

He looked so exhausted.. So tired and worn out. Her heart ached at the sight and she felt bad for leaving him outside like that. But then again, actions and decisions have consequences in life. And that was the consequence of his stupid decision.

"Come inside and freshen up, I have oversized t-shirts and sweatpants that should hopefully fit you in my closet" She said coldly staring at Valentino with a stoic expression.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked instead of coming inside.

"That's blackmailing you are trying to use? If I don't forgive you, you will remain outside?" She asked with a scowl.

"Please Lucasia I need you badly. I can't live without you. I don't need food, water, a home, or oxygen. I need you solely" Valentino said looking at her with desperate eyes.

"Val... How can I trust you? What if you leave me again?" She asked dryly even if her heart skipped a beat at his words.

"I won't... God I won't. It was one time mistake only. One I won't ever repeat. Letting you go was stupid, impulsive and reckless and I really won't ever let you go again" Valentino said truthfully. Her heart ached with his words and she felt her eyes turn teary remembering how painful it was these past two months without him.

Letting him in her life again would lead to her getting even more attached to him than last time and this time she would not be able to recover if he leaves her again. "Give me your word" She asked pointedly.

"You have my word. I won't ever leave you again. You can trust in the word of a devil" Valentino replied staring at her with immense love and affection.

"Very well... Come in"She stated opening the door wider.

"You forgive me?" He asked staring at her waiting for her response. Well he did suffer enough... It was a torture for him as well being away from her. He had to watch her everyday without being able to kiss her, hold her and touch her. He also remained three days here without food, water, sleep or anything. It was enough of a punishment according to her.

"Yes you are forgiven" She replied and he immediately smiled. "Now come inside and freshen up" She added walking away from the door and heading back in the kitchen.

She wore her apron back and continued to mix the ingredients. She then heard his footsteps indicating he was indeed going upstairs. Exhaling softly, she closed her eyes and hoped she was not doing a mistake by letting him in again.

But then.. she did love him.. A lot even now despite everything that happened. She would never be able to stop loving him. There was no point in pushing him away. He had already suffered enough. Opening her eyes, she inhaled and exhaled softly before mixing everything quickly. Once she was done, she put the mixture in the cake mould just when Valentino came in the kitchen looking fresh and clean.

She immediately looked up and sucked in a breath. He was wearing only a pair of black sweatpants. "The t-shirt did not fit, I presume?" She asked trying not to look at his abs.

"No.. It did not" He replied coming closer to her and standing right next to her.

"Okay.. Umm.. Are you hungry?" She asked nervous at how close he was.

"Very much yeah" He replied looking at her face with immense love and desire.

"What do you want to eat?" She asked finally turning to stare at him.

"You" He replied making her eyes widened slightly, his word turning her on. Fuck she wanted him too. Badly. But she remained quiet and stared at his lips instead.. His soft lips that he missed so much... Her eyes then slowly trailed down to his soft and smooth skin and his abs that were completely on display for her. He look hot.

"Fanculo Gattina... Don't bite your lip like that" Valentino said hoarsely making her immediately look away and that's when she realised she was indeed biting her bottom lip. She was already wet at the sight of him.

She took a deep breath and looked at him. "We should.." She did not even get time to complete her sentence when his lips came crushing down on hers passionately, his hands griping her waist with a desperate need to keep her close to him.

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