Chapter 23

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Lucasia stared at Valentino completely surprised. He actually deactivated the bomb? But what did not he say anything?

"I did deactivate the bomb... I went to your brother at school and I told him we needed to fix something regarding the injection I did and then my men deactivated it. It was a few days after Jonathan's death.. I had no reason to leave it there... And it was a mistake that I wanted to fix" Valentino replied staring at her with a soft gaze yet there was a trace of guilt in it making her heart ache slightly.

"Why did not you tell me?" She whispered softly.

"I.. I was scared you would leave me if I do" He replied, his eyes filled with vulnerability and longing for her.

She exhaled softly and approached him completely unaware of her mom who was looking between the two. "I would not have left Val. I told you I'm staying" She whispered caressing his cheek gently.

She truly meant it when she said she would stay though of course the bomb in her brother's neck still bothered her. And the fact that he deactivated it.. made her exhale in relief and joy. If Valentino deactivated the bomb. It meant he truly did care for her.

"Thank you Gattina" Valentino replied hugging her tightly. She smiled softly and hugged him back tightly enjoying his warmth.

"You love that mafia boss Lucasia?" Her mom asked making her instantly pull away from Valentino to stare at her mom. Fuck she almost forgot her mom was standing right there.

What was she supposed to answer... She did not know.. Did she love him? She knew for sure that she liked his presence, his smirk, his grey eyes, his soft growl and groans in pleasure, his smile. Fuck who was she kidding? She was in love with him.

She stared at Valentino who was looking at her intrigued and eager to hear her answer. Knowing she had no choice but to answer, she exhaled softly and looked back at her mom before saying"Yes I do"

Her mom sighed heavily and rubbed her forehead remaining quiet for a few seconds perhaps contemplating what to respond to her own daughter loving a mafia boss.

"He's... a mafia boss Lucasia. You are a lawyer" Her mom finally stated making her heart ache. Indeed they were polar opposites yet they were so much similar. And she really wanted her mom to accept this relationship.

"Mom.. I know... We are both indeed different and our principles are different but he's a good man mom. He maybe in the mafia but he treated me more well than I did" Lucasia confessed staring at her mom, hoping she understood her. For once she finally found love. She never once thought she would. She did not believe in it. Not one bit. Yet the devil himself had made her heart beat. A heart that she thought she lost after her dad broke it. She did not want to let go of him.

Her mom sighed heavily again and stared back at her before glancing at Valentino who looked shock and happy at Lucasia's answer. His grey eyes fixed on her. "Mr King... Who is my daughter to you?" Her mom asked making him snap out of his shock state.

Lucasia stared at Valentino as well waiting for his response while holding her breath. Hoping he would answer the way she expected.

"She's everything to me... She's my Goddess. I love her... wholeheartedly... Every inch of her... I worship the ground she walks on, the air she breathes, the way she smiles, the way she talks back to me. I worship all of it. The way I feel for her.. The love I feel for your daughter is something that will never fade"Valentino replied pouring all the love, affection and adoration he had for her in each words said while he looked at her like she was the only thing that existed.

She released the breath she was holding and looked back into his eyes, her heart had just skipped several beats with every single words he said. He really did love her...

"Very well...Can you assure me her safety? You are a mafia boss. Will she be safe with you?" Her mom asked making them break the eye contact.

"Yes. I will protect her with my life and die if needed but I will never let her get even a scratch" He vowed, making her mom exhale heavily before she looked back at her.

"Lucasia... You are an adult. You are wise and responsible and I trust you wholeheartedly but I want to know... Do you really want to be with him despite the risk involved?" Her mom asked her and she immediately nodded.

"Yes mom. I do want to be with him no matter what" She replied.

"If that's what you want... then I respect your decision but I want you to visit me and no more secrets now" Her mom replied making her smile softly. She accepted their relationship!

"Yes promise. Thank you mom" Lucasia said before pulling her mom into a bone crushing hug. Her mom instantly hugged her back with a soft laugh.

"I love you my daughter" Her mom said after a few seconds, kissing her forehead lovingly. She was definitely lucky to have such a loving and understanding mom.

"I love you too mom" Lucasia replied finally breaking the hug.

"Now you come here" Her mom said beckoning for Valentino to come closer.

"Okay" Valentino replied coming closer to her mom with a frown only to have Mrs Cursewood pull his ear.

"You better protect my daughter or you will never see the daylight again" Her mom warned making Ares and Alex chuckle. Their backs still turned.

"I will. Noted." Valentino replied quickly making Lucasia laugh at how funny looked. I mean it was not everyday you got the chance to look at a scary mafia boss having his ear pulled by a lady like a kid being scolded.

"Good boy" Her mom replied finally letting go of Valentino who scowled at Lucasia.

"Okay can we turn now?" Ares and Alex asked in unison.

"Fuck no. She's in her nightwear" Valentino immediately replied scowling even more.

Ares scoffed in reply. "It's not like we will look at her Valentino"

Her mom chuckled softly "He's always like that with you?"She asked amused.

"Oh he is" Lucasia replied shaking her head at her husband though she was definitely relieved that her mom accepted their relationship. That's all she wanted. Her mom's approval. And now that she got it. She would never let go of him. But if only she knew how expensive this decision would turn out to be.

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