Chapter 2

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"Only in your dreams I'm giving you all those evidences" Lucasia finally replied, venom in her voice.

Valentino chuckled in response observing her. She definitely got a big mouth, that woman. He observed her face quite amused by her sassy behaviour. She was even more attractive in person. She had hazel eyes that looked mesmerising and her pink lips seemed so soft and kissable along with her sharp jawline and high cheekbones that only added more to her beauty. Her skin smooth and fair... A pure beauty she was. He clearly accepted that fact though he wouldn't say it out aloud. Still.. that woman seems to hypnotise him a lot...and he mildly appreciated it. It was normally him who had that effect on women not the other way around.

"Hey dear Mr king. Are you done observing me like a hungry beast?" Lucasia asked raising an eyebrow.

He finally realised he has been staring for too long and immediately cleared his throat looking away. "You got no choice, while your brother was with me, I made my men place a tiny really tiny but deadly bomb at the back of his neck in case you refused to give me the evidence without fighting," He explained calmly getting back to the matter.

He saw her eyes widen in response and fear making him smirk. He did not quite liked what he was doing to her but he had to protect his brother no matter how high the cost was.

"You are lying.." Lucasia whispered more like trying to convince herself.

"I don't lie Gattina. It's up to you to believe it or not "Valentino replied,his eyes cold. Lucasia remained frozen on the spot still processing what he said.

"As you noticed, the picture I sent you is nothing compared to how you saw your brother because I told your little brother we were going to prank you so he let me tie him up and take the picture which I sent you afterwards and then I released him of course after placing the bomb in his neck. I told him it was an injection that was good for his health and he allowed me to do it" He added when she continued to remain silent. He was not that much of a cruel monster to tie a poor little kid in a basement. But then again.. What he was doing right now... Was it any less cruel?

"If I don't give you the file. What will you do?" Lucasia asked finally regaining her senses.

"If you don't cooperate I will blow his head with the bomb and you can say goodbye to your nine years old little brother" He replied standing up from the couch.

"You asshole" She spat stalking towards him and grabbing him by his collar. "I am not scared of you but if you got a problem with me. You deal with me. Why include my brother in it? You are as horrible as your brother" She shouted livid.

He removed her hands harshly and stared into her eyes unfazed by her anger. "Give me the evidence or I make them kill your brother, simple as that" Valentino said. It was not that hard. Why was that lawyer adamant on sending his brother to hell?!

"I won't do that," She insisted again. Well maybe it was time he revealed to her what he's actually going to do. That would perhaps make her accept her fate.

"Oh You will. Not only that you are also going to accept to become my wife because as far as I know. You have searched and imprisoned many Mafia men till today and I have no guarantee you are not going to be a problem for me in the future" Valentino stated making her eyes widen again.

It wasn't in the plan to marry her, but while going through her file completely on her way here. He found out the numerous cases she fought and how many mafia men she imprisoned. She could be a powerful asset for him. Plus there was no way that woman would leave him alone after he let her go. He had to make sure she would shut her mouth and kidnapping her would be too suspicious she's far too influential and famous. Marrying her was better. Besides it was only on paper. Nothing else. He smirked content with his plan.

"I won't marry an asshole like you" Lucasia said with disgust and hatred.

He clenched his jaw and went inside his drawer pulling out the marriage contract in which it was stated very clearly that she would not be allowed to do anything against him, his brother and family or she should die for betrayal. After all.. That was what marriage contract consisted for Mafia men. He then quickly gave her the file and pulled his phone out showing her the bomb location in her brother's neck.

"Now it's up to you Gattina. You either sign it and your brother lives or your brother dies because of your thirst for justice. Which one do you choose?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Her eyes turned slightly teary and she looked at him with even more hatred and disgust in her eyes... For some unknown reason, he didn't like it. But his brother was more important.

"Sign it" He demanded keeping a cold  expression on his face.

She seemed to hesitate, staring down at the contract with angry, teary eyes and then at the phone screen where she could clearly see the bomb location. After a few seconds she finally sighed deeply and grabbed the pen signing the contract... Tying her life to his forever.

"Now it wasn't that hard" Valentino said smiling wickedly.

She glared in reply. "I will never forgive you for this. I will make your life a living hell Valentino king," She vowed her eyes filled with wrath.

He chuckled in response." Let's see who can torture the other more then. By the way you are living here now, I already sent a few of my men to your house to bring your belongings while you were on your way here. It's already in the room upstairs, the one with the letter V in silver plastered on the door " He added before taking back the contract and signing it too.

She looked at him in disbelief and shock."You married me to save a monster" She said with a bitter chuckle. But he paid no attention.

"Bring me all the evidence you have of my brother. I know it's in your car Gattina. Go fetch it" He ordered, not looking at her.

"I am not your Gattina and I will make sure you regret this," She spat before leaving the room slamming the door shut. Good lord. She has a serious problem with doors. Valentino shook his head at her behaviour. He had never seen or met a woman like her in his entire life and now he would have to bear her because of his brother's stupidity.

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