Chapter 20

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Lucasia opened her eyes slowly to find his husband sleeping with his eyebrows furrowed and his buff muscular arms wrapped around her waist, caging her to him. He held onto her the whole night as if he was scared if he let go, she would dissappear. Her heart ached, remembering last night events, but she was grateful that Valentino didn't push her away and allowed himself to be vulnerable. She exhale sadly and caressed her husband's cheek gently.

Valentino instantly placed a tender kiss on her palm making her eyes widened.

"You are awake?" She asked surprised.

Valentino hummed in reply and opened his beautiful grey eyes to stare at his wife. He then pulled her closer and buried his face in the crook of her neck inhaling her scent.

Lucasia shivered in response and ran her fingers through his hair gently. He seemed to instantly relax in response to her touch and scent making her heart flutter. "Are you feeling better?" She asked softly.

"Thanks to you, my Gattina. I'm better," Valentino mumbled softly.

"I'm happy to hear that... Thank you for not pushing me away from you" Lucasia said and she meant it. She was glad that he trusted her enough to be vulnerable in front of her. Something she knew he did not do in front of anyone.

"You are my wife, Gattina. You are the only one with whom I will ever be like that" Valentino replied making her heart melt down with his words.

"Won't you.. Ask me how my parents die?" Valentino asked after a few seconds making her pull away from him to look in his eyes.

"I want you to tell me when you are ready" She replied caressing his cheek gently. She knew how difficult it was to open up about a past trauma or an event that hurt you deeply. Henceforth she would wait.

Valentino smiled softly and kissed her forehead gently. He pulled her closer to him and shifted positon so that her head was now on her chest. She placed her hand on his chest and exhale softly content with his presence. She felt him take a deep breath before saying "I will tell you"

"Alright I'm listening " She replied with a soft voice. He held her even closer in response.

"My parents... died when I was ten years old and my little brother was eight years old. My parents and my little brother went to an event. Unfortunately my parents were brutally murdered there by a rival. My brother had successfully escaped and with the support of my father's right hand man. We both grew up in a more or less stable environment. I then started training at the age of twelve and at eighteen years old I took over the title of the mafia boss of my family," Valentino confessed with a heavy sigh making felt her heart ache hearing his words.

It must have been so hard for him. Having to train at such a young age while at that age, other kids were probably still going to school. She sighed heavily at the thoghht and kissed his chest gently, waiting for him to continue.

"My father was never a bad person as such and he never truly approved selling women as sex objects and raping women. He was strictly against it which is why after taking the title of the mafia boss. I vowed to follow his rules and principles to honour him" Valentino continued, revealing his past to her bit by bit.

"I ruled as the mafia boss and I.. I thought my brother must have been affected by our parent's death and I always protected him. Cared for him.. but I guess he just turned evil on his own or he always was but I was in denial... He was the only blood related family that I had after my parents died...I did not want to lose him.. " Valentino said with a bitter chuckle.

"You are a good person Val. You have a good heart deep down and I'm proud of you" Lucasia said looking up at him. She wanted to make him feel better and make him understand that he was not at fault if his brother turned like that. As a parent or sibling.. No matter how much you educate your child or younger siblings well.... In the end they will become who they want to be. Who they choose to be and there's nothing you can truly do about it.

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