Chapter 16

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Valentino bit the side of his tongue not liking one bit the way that guy was hugging his Gattina. He glared at the man in anger and jealousy. Again that same guy!

"That's my wife right there. Remove your hands before I cut them" He stated coming towards them, his grey eyes darker than usual.

Lucasia scoffed in reply but nonetheless broke the hug and pulled away from her best friend. "Don't take him seriously. He's just a Jerk" Lucasia said to her best friend who look quite scared.

"I was very much serious" Valentino replied throwing daggers at the guy who rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh umm... I'm Evan. I'm just her best friend you know. I mean no harm" Evan stated nervously but Valentino continued to glare at him.

"Best friend or not. Next time, I don't want your filthy hands on her" He replied to which Evan nodded quickly.

"Seriously. You are a dick. 1st class" Lucasia replied grabbing her best friend's arm and pulling him towards the couch.

Valentino chuckled in response content that Evan was scared. He did not like that guy one bit. Seriously, could not she have a female best friend or maybe a robot as best friend? That would have been better.

Exhaling softly, he went into his office and settled down on his rotatable chair. He opened his files and got to work when he suddenly heard a meowl and looked down to see Lucasia's cat.

With a scowl, he stood and lifted the cat to throw it out but that filthy creature scratch his cheek making him release it immediately.

"GATTINA!" He called out loudly throwing daggers at the cat who walked away with its tail up. He scoffed. That cat was just like her.

"What is it?" Lucasia asked coming into the room with a scowl that was quickly replaced with a smile when she noticed the scratch on his cheek. Of course she's happy.

"Get your cat out of my office" Valentino spat, his jaw clenched.

Lucasia chuckled softly. "Maleficent is never aggressive. You must have irritated her" She said going towards her cat and lifting it in her arms. That cheeky creature immediately purred softly while looking at Valentino. Oh look at that bastard.

"Just get it out of my sight" He replied settling back on his chair.

"Okay but to be honest, that scratch looks good on you" Lucasia said cheekily.

"It would look better if it was your scratch" He replied with a smirk knowing she would become flustered.

"Dickhead" She swore loudly with red cheeks before leaving the room and slamming the door shut like always.

With a soft chuckle, Valentino got back to work to check all the meetings he had for next week when a knock was heard on the door. "Come in Alex" He replied without looking up. He knew it must be him because Gattina would never knock on his door and Ares well... He would just walk in most of the time.

"Hey!!" Alex's cheerful voice was heard just like he expected.

"What is it?" He asked looking up at Alex with a raised brow.

"Dude chill. You don't need to be grumpy 24/7" Alex stated rolling his eyes. "I only came to remind you that tomorrow we have to go meet up with Mr Ricci" He added crossing his arms over his chest. Shit! He had completely forgotten about that. Mr Ricci was an important client that came here solely for him. He had to attend this meeting.

"Right. Tomorrow we will go first thing in the morning with Ares" Valentino replied.

"Alright I'll let him know" Alex said with a soft smile before heading towards the door.

"Also... Valentino?" Alex called out hesitantly.

"What?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"You know you are only encouraging your brother to behave badly by protecting him like that" Alex stated making him sigh.

"Look I know you love him but he fucked up big time and instead of letting him being punished or at least teaching him a good lesson. You married Lucasia against her will" Alex added making him lean back against his chair. Alex was right. He had not truly scolded Jonathan after his mistake. Instead of giving him a lesson, all he did was protect him blindly.

"I get what you mean... I'll make sure to talk to him" Valentino replied making Alex shake his head.

"I'm not talking about that. Talking to your brother would be pointless because he knows you will still be there. Teach him a lesson Valentino" Alex said before opening the door and leaving before he could answer.

He rubbed his forehead contemplating on what to do to punish his brother and that's when he got an idea. Yes that would be perfect and was most probably the only way to make Jonathan understand that he could not always take advantage of his love towards him. He smirked content with his decision.

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