Chapter 27

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Two days

Lucasia sucked in a breath and opened her eyes to found herself in her room?! She immediately sat up straight and looked at her chest to find a faint scar there. Her clothes were different as well. No traces of the gown.. She nearly thought it was all a dream but then she looked at her wedding ring and knew it was all real. She looked around at her old house the one she lived in before marrying Valentino in confusion and sorrow. Where was he? Why was she here?

She immediately stood up from the bed and looked around frantically. Looking and searching in every room for any sign of her devil husband. Any sign of Ares or Alex but nothing except silence and her cat greeted her. She felt tears gathered around her eyes and headed back in her room. She opened her closet and saw all her clothes there.

Did they leave her here? But why? Did Val really left her? No.. No it can't be true. She shook those thoughts away and grabbed her car keys before heading towards the door only to find an envelope glued on it.

With a throbbing heart, she approached the door and grabbed the envelope. She slowly opened it and read the letter :

My Gattina,

I know at this moment you are really hurt and mad at me and I respect that. I deserve it... But I had to let you go my love.. I had to. Seeing you with a bullet in your chest and watching you fight to breathe and live with each passing seconds without being able to do anything to help you made me realise how much this life that I live is not one for you. You are exceptional Gattina, you are beautiful, smart, intelligent, hardworking, devoted. And you carry yourself with so much grace, beauty and intelligence that it never fails to steal my breath. I'll always love you till I give my last breath. But I could not stay with you and risk putting your life in danger again. That's why I drugged you and returned you to your home where you belong... With your mom and brother...

Don't look for me Gattina. I'm not in New York city anymore.. I left after dropping you there. You deserve a peaceful life and it's not a life I can give you my precious Goddess... That's why I had to let you go. Even now while writing this, my heart is screaming and calling to you but I have to let you go.

It's for the best my love. I'm forever grateful that you came into my life and I got the opportunity to hold you, kiss you, touch you and worship you. You are my wife and you will always remain so in my heart...

Goodbye my Gattina,
I love you

Lucasia fell down on her knees and broke in tears. He... He left her... He really left her life... She cried harder than ever, her heart ripping apart as each words written in the letter echoed in her mind. Her soul breaking apart.

"You fucker ! I hate you!" She spat angrily even if he was not here to hear her.

"How could you! How fucking could you!" She screamed in anger and sorrow. She had finally believed in love again. She had given herself to him wholeheartedly and he had made her fall for him only to leave her now. Fuck! If he knew It was not a life for her. Why was he affectionate towards her?! Why beg her to stay only to leave her in the end!

She was mad at herself for falling for him and mad at him for leaving her. This was not supposed to end like this. She could not believe he really let her go... After everything... He let her go. Wiping her uncontrollable tears, she stood up and went to the kitchen.

She then pulled out a lighter and turn in on. Bringing the letter closer to the flame, she watched as it caught fire and let it drop to the bin burning completely. She stared with tears at the small flames destroying the letter and along with it, she destroyed all love she had for the man she held closer to her heart than anyone.

It was over... Their love story.. Their married life.. All taken from her in the blink of an eye and there was nothing she could do to change it. Nothing except pushing forward and moving on...Forgetting him as if he never existed. And that's exactly what she was going to do.

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