Chapter 9

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Valentino was currently in his room, he had just freshened up and well.. He was now seated on a stool with his wife applying medicine on his badly bruised knuckles. He smiled softly watching the scowl on her face. She certainly did not seemed pleased that he was hurt and that touched his heart.

He did not care though that he was injured. Seeing that guy close to her made something snap inside of him. He couldn't control it. He didn't like it one bit and that made him realise that he cared for her. In the deepest and hidden parts of his heart, he cared for that hot headed lawyer.

She may be tough, stubborn, rude and annoying but she was a good person deep down and he knew he wasn't right for her. He knew what he was doing was wrong. Keeping her here against her will when all she was doing was bringing his brother to justice but his brother was his only family left.. The only blood related one he had. He could not lose him.

"It's done.." His wife said making him snap out of his thoughts.. She was going to leave but he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him.

"Thank you Gattina" He said gently placing a kiss on her cheeks. He was happy that she took care of him. She did not have to but she did it nonetheless. Maybe they could make this marriage work. But then again.. With his brother in the middle... It seems quite complicated.

"Welcome" She replied, her cheeks slightly red.

He chuckled softly and stood up, pulling her even closer so that their faces were inches apart. "I heard you by the way, when you said your surname wasn't Cursewood but King" Valentino said with an amusing stare. He had never smiled as much as he did when he heard her say that.

Lucasia's eyes widened. "How did you.." She trialed off her cheeks even more red.

God have mercy, she was too cute for his own good. He caressed her cheek gently and stared into her eyes. "I told you Gattina, I'm observing your every move, I recently put a camera in your office so that I can be sure you are well when you eventually go back to work and I guess it was a good decision.." He said tightening his grip on her waist. The face of Samuel touching her wrist plastered in his mind made him feel a sudden urge to keep her in his arms for the rest of his life.

He was definitely relieved that he listened to Ares and went to pick her up. God knows what could have happened if he did not come to her. Just the thought of it made him tighten his hold on her.

"You should have talked to me about it. You can't just do that" Lucasia said with a scowl making him sigh deeply.

"I know.. I will not do such things again but maybe if you picked up my calls I wouldn't have to spy on you" He replied pointedly. Indeed he had called her multiple times during the day but she never once picked up. It was only thanks to the camera that he got to see how she was doing.

"Sorry," She whispered and averted her eyes away from him.

He instantly lifted her chin up and stared into her eyes. "It's fine. Just pick up my call next time, okay" He whispered softly.

"I will" She replied staring at him with a soft gaze making his heart melt. She always looked at him with so much anger but now her eyes held a much softer gaze. He liked it. A lot... Maybe she was finally starting to warm up to him.

"Very well then. You should sleep now" He said letting her go. He walked past her and took his blanket and pillows to sleep on the couch. It was quite late already and he needed a good rest.

"You.. You can sleep on the bed with me" Lucasia blurted out, making him stop dead in his tracks.

He turned to stare at her in surprise. "Are you sure?" He asked not believing she actually said that.

"Yes and don't go imagining all kinds of things. The bed is large enough for two persons and we will put pillows in between us " She replied with a scowl. There... Now that was more like his wife.

"Okay Gattina," Valentino said with a smile. He took his blanket and pillows back to the bed and got under the covers comfortably. Of course after making sure to put some pillows in the middle like she wanted.

"Come and sleep now. It's late already" Valentino said patting the space next to him while staring at his wife who was still standing there watching his every move.

She hummed in reply and turned the lights off before getting on the bed next to him. The pillows preventing their bodies from touching. Once she was settled next to him, he closed his eyes and both of them fell into a deep slumber that night, feeling at peace for the first time in years.

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