Chapter 28

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Dedicated to Shadow156-To my Moon Goddess. To the peace and comfort we both find on a late night long ride with only the silence, the night and the moon blessing us. Thank you for coming into my life. You will always be my Moon Goddess. I love you.

Two months later

"Evan I already said no" Lucasia said for the fifth time staring at her best friend with a scowl.

"Oh come on. You have been working like crazy for two fucking months. Let's go to the club" Evan whine like a kid trying desperately to convince her.

"I said No and that's final" Lucasia stated plopping down on the other couch.

She definitely was not in a mood to go to the club. True she's been working like crazy but that was only because she needed to not think and forget about a certain mafia boss. But did it truly help? Fuck no. Everytime she fell asleep. All she kept on dreaming about was Valentino. Again and again. Worse than that, those wet dreams she had about him had left her with a throbbing pussy for hours. One she had to pleasure herself while moaning his name.

Despite wanting him out of her mind...Wanting him gone. She still craved him. She still wanted him...Badly. And she cursed her heart for that. It's already been two months. Yet she never once forgot about his existence. Her mom had also questioned her about her sudden return to her house but she said she did not want to talk about that devil ever again and thankfully her mom understood. As a result, no one knew about what happened to her there.

Evan as well received the same answer from her when he asked her why she's back home. He respected her decision and accepted not to talk about it however he's been trying to get her out of the house since then. Sometimes for a walk, for a sleepover, for shopping, for movies and now he was adamant to go to the club. Normally she would agree for his sake but going to the club? Not her style. She was not one to drink frequently.

"Come on please. You need a drink. For my sake. Let's go!!!" Evan pleaded staring at her with puppy eyes.

She rolled her eyes in response and threw one of the cushion at him "No" She replied.

"I'm going to stop breathing if you say no" Evan stated holding his breath and staring at her stubbornly. Damn that boy! When will he grow up!?

"I'm not going to give in Evan. You will have to eventually breathe" She replied crossing her arms over her chest and looking at Evan with a neutral expression. But Evan kept on holding in his breath for a good amount of time and soon enough his face turned red and a bulging vein became visible on his neck.

She cursed under her breath and stood up before saying "Fine. I'm coming"

Evan immediately exhaled in response and rubbed his chest while inhaling and exhaling quickly. "I knew... you would... agree" He said in between deep breaths before grinning.

"Dickface" She spat with a scowl. This guy could really be stubborn when he wanted.

"Thank you. I love you too" Evan said standing up and smiling cheekily.

Lucasia rolled her eyes in response but nonetheless a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Let me change my clothes then we leave" She said before going to her room. Maybe a night at the club was indeed what she needed.

She therefore quickly opened her wardrobe and looked for something to wear. After staring at all her clothes, she decided to go with a pair of black leather jeans, a black crop top she never wore yet kept and black boots. Her belly button was visible with the crop top and her back tattoo was slightly visible as well. But she did not care. Getting out of her comfort zone was what she needed as well... Letting go. Exhaling softly she stared at her self in the mirror and once she was completely satisfied with her look. She went downstairs and saw Evan stare at her with one eyebrow raised.

"What?" She asked raising her eyebrow back.

"Since when do you let your hair down and wear clothes that reveals your skin?" Evan asked pointedly.

"Things change Evan. Things change" She stated nonchalantly.

"Very well then... let's go. We will take my bike" Evan replied opening the door and heading to his bike.

"Alright" She replied leaving the house after him and locking the door.

"Okay now since when do you have a back tattoo??" Evan asked in disbelief. Of course he saw it...

She chuckled softly before turning around to look at Evan "Since a very long time Evan. You and I both know I'm secretive. There are many things about me that you don't know" She replied truthfully.

"Like what?" He asked getting on his bike and putting his helmet on.

"If I tell you it won't remain a secret" She replied, approaching him quickly and getting on the bike as well.

"Alright my secretive Gloomy. Hold on tight okay" Evan said giving her an helmet.

She took it and wore it quickly before wrapping her arms around him holding on tightly "Okay. Let's go now" She replied just when Evan turned the engine on and zoomed off into the dark lonely road.

She exhaled softly and enjoyed the cold breeze touching her cheeks while the starry night and the shining moon greeted them all along the way to the club. She smiled softly and took comfort in the darkness, the silence, the night sky, the wind and this blissful ride. That was indeed what she needed.

"We are there Gloomy" Evan said finally pulling the bike to a stop just in front of the nightclub that was blasting with loud music.

"Great" She replied getting off the bike and removing the helmet. Evan quickly took it from her and got off the bike, removing his helmet as well. He then grabbed her hand and led her inside.

As soon as they were inside, she immediately went towards the bar and sat on a stool before ordering five shots of tequila. She definitely needed a drink...maybe then she would stop thinking about him.

"Wow there. Aren't you rushing a bit too much?" Evan asked plopping down on a stool next to her.

"I need that drink" She stated before drinking the five shots one after the other.

"Alright" Evan said before ordering one shot of vodka only. Of course he would not drink much since he was the one to drive them back home.

"10 more shots please" She called out to the bartender.

"Gloomy as much as I want you to let go of him... You know.. Drinking is not the solution... I wanted you to come here to have some fun. Take some fresh air and drink yes but not like that" Evan stated placing a hand on her shoulder.

She sighed softly in response before muttering "I know but tonight let me drink to my heart's contentment please"

She needed to drink. If she could not forget him then she would take this moment when she's so drunk and lost that she can't even think of anything. Maybe then her mind would stop being filled with Valentino. Maybe then she would forget about him even if it's only for a while.

"Very well" Evan replied just when ten shots of tequila were placed in front of her. Smiling softly at the bartender, she drank all the shots one after the other.

And soon enough she felt drowsy and so high. She could barely see and think but she liked the sensation of it... Feeling like she was drowning...With a soft giggle, she then stood up and headed to the dance floor.

She laughed and twirled around drunkenly, swaying her body seductively unaware of the lustful eyes staring at her. She smiled and continued to dance and sway with the flow of the song allowing it to take away her worries, her pain and her sadness.

"Why is a lovely lady dancing all alone hmm?" A man asked approaching her slowly and staring at her from head to toe.

She immediately turned around and was about to answer the man when she felt strong arms wrap around her waist and her back hit a hard chest. "She's my wife. So I'll advise you to step the fuck away from her if you want to keep your eyes" Valentino's threatening voice was heard making her freeze on the spot.

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