Chapter 15

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Lucasia opened her eyes and heat immediately rushed to her cheeks when she saw that Valentino's head was just on her breasts, his arms wrapped around her tightly. Good lord.. Now that she thought about it.. After he carried them to their room. They both immediately laid down on the bed and she forgot to put the pillows in between.

Fuck how was she going to get up without waking him up?? She sighed softly and tried to remove his buff arms around her waist but in vain. Valentino did not budge and remained fast asleep.

Giving up on trying to get up, she laid her head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling remembering the events of last night.

I'll die before I ever let you fall Gattina

That sentence had made her heart skip a beat. And the way he held her in the office and inhaled her scent. It made her weak in the knees. She was already wet just by the feel of his strong arms around her waist. The attraction she felt towards him was too intense. Of course she had slept with guys before but that was just one night stand nothing involving emotions or feelings in it.

With Valentino.. It was different. She did not just want him. She craved him. She also cared for him. Fuck.. She did not want to admit it but she liked him...His scent.. His voice that was husky and deep. His grey eyes. Lord... Those hypnotising grey eyes that always seems to darken when he was mad. She liked it so much. And His pink lips that curved into a smirk when he got on her nerves. She liked every inch of him and that was terribly wrong.

She snapped out of her conflicting thoughts when Valentino stirred in his sleep and groaned softly. She looked at him and saw him hiss slightly perhaps from the hangover before he finally looked at her. His eyes widened when he saw the position they were in.

He quickly pulled away from her and stood up from the bed "Sorry.. I..I don't know how it happened" He stuttered staring at her with sleepy eyes.

She bit back a smile at his reaction. "It's fine... That's what happens when you drink too much" She replied standing up from the bed. She was definitely not happy when she saw him in that state yesterday. Completely disoriented and drunk. That was not Valentino.

"I did not drink much. Besides... it's not like I matter to you " Valentino retorted back turning his back on her and walking away. Wow what a bipolar?!

She scoffed in reply. "Asshole" She muttered watching him enter the bathroom. He just woke up and already pissed her off. This guy should get an award for being the worst husband on earth.

She scowled deeply and headed towards the walk in closet to fetch some clothes for her. Thankfully it was finally Saturday and she could hopefully rest a bit. These past few days were not the best days of her life.

She walked out of the walk in closet and placed the clothes on her bed. Hearing the water running down in the bathroom. She knew he was freshening up and sat on the couch in the meantime waiting for him to come out.

After 15 minutes or so, Valentino came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. She looked at him and suck in a breath. Without realising it, her eyes trailed on his abs and muscles. On the droplets of water trickling down his seductive body. She felt her pussy throb at the sight of him and quickly looked away.

"You like my body don't you?" Valentino asked walking past her to go in the walk in closet.

"I don't" She muttered dryly getting up from the bed.

Valentino chuckled in reply. "Keep telling yourself that but when you are horny and you will finger yourself. It's my name that you will moan" He said before slamming the door of the walk-in closet shut.

She stared at the door with wide eyes. Her cheeks more red than ever. She was speechless. Did he really just say that? That arrogant bastard! With an irritated huff, she grabbed her towel and entered the bathroom slamming the door shut.

She quickly brushed her teeth and then stripped out of her clothes. She turned the shower on and let the water run down her tattooed back. She had only one tattoo on her back. A big black dragon that took the length of her back. No one except her mom knew about this tattoo. Since she never wore revealing clothes enough for anyone to see it.

Why a dragon ? Well a dragon tattoo meant strength, intelligence and grace. 3 important qualities that she carried herself with everyday especially when at work. She had learnt to never back down, to never give up and never remain on the ground when she fell. That was why she reached to the top. She was stubborn and hot headed.

And it seems she met her match. Valentino was as hot headed and stubborn as her. They were the reflection of the other. They were both powerful and filled with pride. They always do anything to get what they want. Both were practically the same but one was with the law. The other with the mafia.

She still could not realise she was married to him. Worst, she wanted to slap herself for wanting him. For craving him. That day when he hovered over her after she destroyed his suits. She had never felt her pussy ache like that. His dominance turned her on. She wanted him despite hating him. But then again was it really hate?

Sighing softly, she scrubbed her body clean and rinsed herself with water before turning the shower off. After wrapping a towel around her body, she then turned the doorknob and peeked inside the room to find it empty.

Thanking God that he was gone. She quickly wore her clothes when a knock was suddenly heard on the door. She wore her slippers and opened it to see Alex standing there with a smile.

"Hey... Your best friend Evan is downstairs" Alex said making her smile brightly.

"Really?!" She squealed happily before rushing downstairs to hug her best friend.

As soon as she reached the living room. She saw Evan standing there with a grin and immediately jumped on him hugging him tighter than ever. "How are you?!!!" She said in a very cheerful voice unaware of Valentino who was watching her from the kitchen. A deep scowl on his face.

"I'm fine Gloomyyy!!" Evan replied cheerfully, hugging her back tightly, his arms around her waist.

She smiled and held him tightly until someone groaned making her pull away slightly to look at who it was only to find Valentino looking at Evan like he was going to rip him apart.

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