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Welcome my lovely readers to Sesshomaru's introduction chapter(s)! I don't know for sure what relationship Okami and Sesshy may have but will see. Anyways on with the story!


~Sesshomaru's POV~

Upon finding out the staff of two heads lead us wrongly Jaken and myself headed off to find a boat. Though we didn't know a little flea was riding away on a wolf to warn Inuyasha. We came across some soldiers who were feasting and prepping themselves for battle as it seemed. I killed some of them who were in my way and their cries of agony have gotten the others attention.

"What's this? Are ye mad?" The leader asked me angrily.

"I need a boat." I answered simply.

"You need a what?" He started to laugh.

"Before a battle, and we are to give it are we?" He continued his annoyingly loud laughter.

"Yes you are and now." I said to him.

"I think not." He said and rushed towards me thinking he could put up a fight against me.

I ran at him fast grabbing and twisting his neck slightly. Soon I threw him into one of his boats watching as it broke apart. This seemed to further anger the soldiers around me and Jaken appeared to report he there weren't any boats unless we count the ones in the nearby water. The pathetic humans finally figured out I wasn't human myself. It's annoying how stupid and foolish humans can be. "Jaken I leave them to you." I stated and walked off leaving him to deal with the soldiers. After he finished them off Jaken saw that the fang has changed it's location in turn we changed our direction of travel.

Soon after rowing the boat out a bit Jaken began a talk about Inuyasha. I threw him into the water making the staff secure atop his head. "I prefer not to think of him." I told him. Jaken asked for forgiveness as I said to us he should be considered dead and asked him about Inuyasha being stuck to the tree.

"B-B-But sire- the spell they say it was removed- recently. Besides the staff- it's been acting strange- it's because of Inuyasha I'm sure of it!" He exclaimed. He asked for the staff to be removed as he lost his breathe and floated off.


~Okami's POV~

Kagome and I climbed out of the well and now were back in the feudal era. 'At least we can go back and forth between our eras and aren't stuck here forever.' Recently we had tried going back to our era without the dog boy on our trail and it turned out successful because we were right back where we were in the modern era. I almost thought that we had been dreaming up the feudal era. I then carried Kagome's bike out with me. We started to ride her bike towards the village I rode on the back while she peddled.

"I'm sorry that I can't afford a bike or else I would've ridden my own and not put extra weight on you." I sighed and she smiled.

"There is no need for you to be sorry Okami it's not your fault." I smiled at her.

"Thank you Kagome."


I then could tell that Kagome was thinking because she had a far off look on her face. Then she started to speak again. "He's rude, he's crude, and says he hates us but if we could find the jewel that's all that matters right?" I nod in response. Though what we didn't notice was a little flea on a stone ahead of us and Kagome rung her bell and ran him over.

"Hmm felt like we ran over something don't you think Kagome?" I asked.

"Kind of though I don't see anything so it must've been our imagination." She replied.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now