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Welcome back and I hope you'll enjoy this chapter! Let's get into it, shall we?


Okami and Kagome just barely finished their math test when their teacher told them time was up. As the two walked down the hall to leave school after turning in their tests and leaving their classroom in the dumps, their three friends caught up to them to stop and chat about how difficult it was. All of them sighed except for Ayumi who had been lagging behind, she thought it was easy, which made them all feel worse as they left for Wacdnalds. As they got their food and began eating the girls' three friends brought up the boys they were always talking about these days. They all began complaining about the guys the two were interested in even though they've never met to judge them properly. "This mystery tough guy Kagome-chan is with is crazy rude and jealous as well as a two-timer, and Okami-chan's guy is the same, but he makes it even worse by trying to two-time on her with Kagome-chan! Of course the one time either of you take interest in a guy you chose the worst possible options, I mean, come on- It's clear that there's guys aren't good matches for you at all!" Eri and Yuka exclaimed as Ayumi grew confused by their aggression towards these guys. Then the two accidentally even brought Miroku into the conversation, sadly their friends misunderstood all of the guys and had the wrong idea about all of them, Kagome even had to yell at them to calm them down and set hem straight.

That begged the question of where on Earth outside of school the two girls could've possibly met these guys, especially if they were sick all of the time. The two never gave a real answer as the girls asked if these men even knew about Hojo or Hana. The half demon of the friend group sighed and shook her head. "No way they know about them, Kagome-chan and I don't have any real sort of interest in Hojo-kun or Hana-kun as you know, but if Koga-kun or Inuyasha-kun were to hear about another man being in our lives other than them they'd probably have a fit. Knowing them they'd try to start a fight with us or maybe even the boys." Okami said nonchalantly as the girls became even more worried for their friends' safety. Now it was her turn to try and calm them down from their vivid daydreaming.

After a while of questioning the girls decided to part and leave each other for the night. Okami soon enough ended up walking through the office of her apartment complex, giving a quick hello to Ozu. Of course the middle-aged woman gave her a hug and doted on her as per usual before sending her off to bed to get some much needed rest. That night Okami had a dream in which she watched another one of her mother's memories, it was of one of the few times she had met Onigumo and spoke with him about their differences and their bond over Kikyo. When she woke up the next morning she wondered what that dream meant, automatically assuming that her mom was trying to tell her something again since she hasn't had a normal dream since having her memories return to her, but now that she thought about it she never had a normal dream in general. All of her dreams were something like what she saw now, simple times of her childhood where she would play in fields of flowers or get made fun of by older human and demon kids alike, but since they were about a past in which she lived with demons she assumed that it was only her imagination... Just a weird dreamland she kept coming back to or something... At least that's what she convinced herself of until she realized they were all real. Okami shook it off for now and got up to start her daily routine since she had to pick Kagome up from her house soon.


By the end of the school day the two had their bags packed and were standing at the rim of the well, saying their goodbyes the Higurashi clan as they all gave the girls a happy send off, wishing them luck on the other side. "Stay outta trouble, okay Sota-kun? I don't wanna hear anything bad from your mother when I get back!" Okami exclaimed as Sota saluted her and she giggled, promising him that she owes him a favor when she gets back if he does as she said before jumping through the well with Kagome. When they made it through the teen in the school uniform hopped onto her friend's back as said friend used her enhanced abilities to jump all the way out of the well and put her friend carefully down in the grass. The black haired female stretched a little before her ears and tail popped up from her head, instantly after sniffing the air Okami's face grew serious and she was put on edge.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now