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~Okami's POV~

Our group reached a new village that claimed to have had a storm of demons and their blood rain upon them the other day. I was surprised by news of such since I've never seen it happen in the time I've spent here so far. I looked towards Sango and Miroku. "Is this a regular occurrence for this era?" I whispered and they shook their heads as the villagers told us that any village folk have been sickened by this blood rain. We started walking towards the village outskirts, finding a large and ominous mountain ahead of us with dark clouds of miasma hovering over it.

'Those clouds... They remind me of Naraku's castle...' I thought and shook off those thoughts, from what the others told me, Kagome had seriously injured him so it definitely wouldn't be him.

"Should we investigate?" I asked as Miroku piped up, saying that he had already taken payment for our deeds to come so we must head forwards.

"Seriously? What are you, a scam artist?" I asked sarcastically as we started walking towards the mountain ahead. My ears and tail sprouted from my body as we came closer to the entrance of the mountain. I took a whiff of the polluted air. 'I smell demons and a lot of them nearby. This must be where those demons were raining from, but why?' Sango then fell to the ground, the poisons becoming too strong for her body to handle. Luckily my half-demon form can withstand something like this or I'd be in the same spot. Kagome and Shippo agreed to watch over Sango while Miroku, Inuyasha and I went inside to scope things out. Inuyasha and I used flashlights to find our way around. Kagome and I had brought them along to this era just in case and they just so happened to come in handy this time around. After a while though Miroku began coughing and falling over like Sango did. I guess not even a monk like Miroku can handle this strong of a miasma.

I crouched down to his level. "Do you think you can continue forward? Or should I bring you back now to save us some trouble?" I asked as said monk started to get up, saying that all he needs is for us to go a bit slower.

"Miroku... I don't know if we really have the time to be going slower right about now. Who knows what's happening up ahead." I said as some loud rumbling started coming from an opening just up ahead in the cave. Inuyasha sighed and started moving forward a bit slower this time for Miroku's sake. I stood beside the monk to make sure he wouldn't go and get himself hurt as we made it to the opening in the cave. Once we got there I fiddled with my backpack a little before placing my flashlight back inside of it where it belonged and zipping it back up for now. I didn't place the bag back on my shoulders, but I left it by Miroku's side after I saw what was inside the core of the mountain. It was a bunch of demon parts mixed together in a sort of purple-ish blue liquid. Suddenly the liquid became a whirlpool of collected demon parts that turned into two huge and all new demons. They instantly started fighting each other for no reason at all. They hadn't noticed us yet so all they were doing was destroying each other to make bigger and stronger versions of themselves to continue the fight with.


The two demons finished their battle with one coming out victorious. It was saying something about the final winner being able to move on and leave this dreaded place, but he hasn't left yet. The huge demon then turned to us. "Unless I am not yet the final winner." My eyes widened slightly at that. 'Since when have I become a contestant in this battle to the death? I guess there is no time to dwell on that fact now since if I don't spring into action soon I might just end up dying...'

"Miroku, look after my things for me." I said before jumping away with Inuyasha into battle.

I allowed my sword to appear in my hands as both Inuyasha and I hacked into the demon before us. It didn't work however because it's wounds sealed back up almost instantly. Miroku called out to us from above, telling us about a technique including a creature called Kodoku I believe. "Miroku, what does Kodoku have to do with any of this!?" I exclaimed as Inuyasha and I slashed at the demon again. I never received an answer, for when I looked back up to Miroku to ask him again, I gasped as took in the figure before me. The priestess from my mother's memories, her best friend, and the person my best friend was reincarnated from.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now