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Welcome back and I hope you enjoy! Also trigger warning for those concerned because there are some hints at physical abuse in the chapter.


~Okami's POV~

"Follow us and we'll explain everything. It's about time you knew everything."

My parents then started walking off towards a nearby lake that I had never noticed before in my times spent here. I followed like they had asked of me and they sat at the shore of the lake with me repeating the action beside them. "Our family history is a long one and we thought that it'd be best to explain it to you together and all at once. Though since it is rather long we thought we'd rather show you instead of just tell you." I cocked my head to the side in pure confusion when my mother explained that to me, the first half I understood, but the showing me part was rather weird.

"What do you mean by that Mother?" I asked, surprising myself at how easy it was to call them 'Mother' and 'Father' like I had known them my whole life. It felt right and I honestly didn't want it any other way. Said woman then motioned over to the lake before us, causing me to gaze into the water with them, various images of past events in my life as well as my parents lives appeared in the water and I gasped softly as I realized what this meant.

"How about we start from the very beginning, Honey." My father said, referring to his wife and she nodded as she touched the water before her. An image of a woman appeared in the water, but I could tell it wasn't me... It was my mother.


~Third Person POV~

Hitoshī was always a girl that was ridiculed by others. Her beliefs of harmony and peace between humans and demons were denied in the eyes of her tribe. She had grown up and learning to only abide by the rules given to her, even though she disagreed with them. Hitoshī was bullied for it by others and one day was banished from her tribe for it. Her parents, just like every other decision she made, disliked her decision to start a life of her own alongside her best friends, Kashikoi and Mijuku after banishment and to finally follow after her beliefs. As she traveled about Japan, she made friends both demon and human. Some still disagreed with her beliefs and either fought her upon her first meeting or personally set out to kill her and her alliance of humans and demons. One day after a long day of battling, Hitoshī, Kashikoi and Mijuku all sat down in a small clearing, up against an all too familiar tree. A tree they had found to be rumored as a sacred tree.

They all sat there to rest and Hitoshi knew that now was the opportune time to go foraging before dark. She walked off into the forest soon finding herself in front of a group of human men that she had never met before. She watched them quietly from afar until their leader took notice of her presence and walked off to find the person hiding out nearby. Once she revealed herself to the him and locked eyes with the leader they instantaneously fell in love with one another. She found out that these men were a part of a roaming army who fought many a battle and disagreed with her beliefs overall. Except after the leader met Hitoshī, his opinion changed. He secretly found ways to meet up with her after that point and after a while had to fight against his army to be with her because they found out about him and Hitoshī, seeing him as a traitor afterwards.

After a long battle waging between them, Hitoshī and her group won and finally decided it was about time to settle down. They got married started up a village with Kashikoi and Mijuku in a forest for themselves and all of their friends who were a part of their alliance. The village ran smoothly for many years and in that time Hitoshī met a priestess named Kikyo who was in charge of the sacred jewel in another village close by. She was never too interested in having the sacred jewel for herself since she already knew she had all that she needed now back in her village, so the priestess grew to trust her and they became the closest of friends, treating her younger sister Kaede as if she were her own sister. She also unfortunately met a dark priestess as well in her time spent around Kikyo, though it was short lived since they didn't exactly get along for whatever reason. Hitoshī still doesn't know to this day what went wrong in their relationship... Never mind that though. Even after Kikyo started to fall for a half-demon named Inuyasha their friendship stayed strong and true. Hitoshī never met Inuyasha, but she did meet the flea Myoga and his close friend who rides a cow with three eyes... They were quite the odd pair, but the old guy did forge a sword for her to use so she couldn't really complain, plus she found him to be funny. Enough about them though, she also met bandit named Onigumo, she took care of him whenever Kikyo couldn't either because of her duty with the jewel or her meetings with Inuyasha. Onigumo always talked with her about the strangest things, being obsessed with the jewel of four souls, Kikyo and other things, but the one subject he'd always bring up was her village and her alliance. He hated the thought of demons and humans getting along, he said it wasn't right and that it wasn't how this world was supposed to work and things of that sort. Hitoshī paid no mind to his words since she's heard them all before, all she told him was...

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now