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Welcome back! By the way, sorry for the crappy chapter this time around.


~Okami's POV~

I woke up the next morning to hear a lot of snickering nearby both from the wolves and the two boys who led them. I groaned as I felt a large weight on top of me. "What the hell?..." I asked groggily as I glanced down to find Koga was snuggling up to me in his sleep! I furiously blushed as I remembered what happened last night and then turned to the snickering to find Ginta, Hakkaku, and their wolves were acting like fan boys about this and holding in squeals if utter delight. I glared at them and they finally noticed that I was awake, visibly tensing up because of it. They apologized and chuckled nervously as they rubbed the back of their heads.

"Could you apologize to me after you get him off of me?!" I whisper shouted and they nodded before moving to help me. As the started to move his body, however, Koga started shuffling around so they dropped him back onto me so he wouldn't wake up. We all glanced at each other before sighing in relief... Though that seemed to do the trick and accidentally wake him up. I watched Koga open his eyes and look around a little, seemingly lost as to what was going on. Once he realized what position we were in he jolted up as his eyes widened significantly. He jumped away from me and pointed in my direction with a bright red face.

"What the hell were you just doing to me!?" The blue eyed male exclaimed as I practically saw steam emitting from his face. My eyebrow twitched as my ears and tail sprung forth out of pure anger.

"What did I do to you!? You were the one who fell on top of me last night!" I exclaimed and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hah!? You could've at least pushed me off of you!" Koga shouted.

"You were too heavy for me to move!" I explained.

"Then wake me up!" The black haired male yelled.

"I was trying to look out for your health and let you sleep! You told me you haven't slept in days and the last thing you needed would be me waking you up you damned pervert!" I raised my voice again at him, knowing damn well he had something wrong on his mind which was why he was so upset.

"I'm the pervert!?" He asked in response, as if implying that I was the dirty-minded one- I mean I definitely could be, but I wasn't the one who woke up and went off for no reason now am I?

"Damn right you are! You were just snuggling my chest in your sleep!" I shook my head at him as his face became beet red by this point.

"I don't recall ever doing such a thing!" He huffed and I facepalmed at him.

"Yeah, because you were asleep and dreaming about dirty things!" I said as our back and forth only got worse and worse.

"Ugh, I knew traveling with you would only end in disaster!" He replied, which hurt me a little but I wasn't giving up this fight easily.

"Oh yeah!?" I added fuel to his already massive flames as he shouted back at me.

"Yeah!" When he said this I went silent for a few moments before replying.

"I see... Then I guess I won't travel with you anymore then!" I responded as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Fine!" He exclaimed as I stood up and put a hand on my hip.

"Fine!" I answered irritably.


And just like that our group's morning ended with Koga and I walking off in the opposite direction of one another. 'Why does he have to turn every little thing into an argument? Ugh! He is so difficult to deal with it's aggravating!' I thought as I heard voices behind me.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now