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Welcome back my loves and I hope you enjoy today's chapter!


~Okami's POV~

Inuyasha stood firm in front of Kagome in order to protect her and I stood beside him to be sure that no harm would come to her. It doesn't matter if this Koga guy is handsome or not, I'll see to it that nothing bad will happen to Kagome and that will remain my top priority. I got into a fighting stance as Kagome tried to warn us about potential jewel shards in his body before the mutt rudely ignored and interrupted her. I turned to her as he started arguing with the wolf demon ahead of us. "How many shards does he have, Kagome? Can you tell?" I whispered to her and she nodded.

"He has three of them. One in his right arm and one in each of his legs." She spoke softly and I nodded, thanking her before joining Inubaka once again.

'That is quite a few shards for one person. He could prove to be a troublesome challenge if we aren't careful.' I thought before I overhead Koga call Inuyasha a mutt-face.

'He seems to have a nice sense of humor too. At least I have one thing in common with my kind, the dislike of dogs like Inuyasha.' I snorted at the sly comment made by the other wolf demon, causing Inuyasha to glare in my direction.

"And what are you laughing at?"

"Oh, who? Me? Nothing, absolutely nothing dog-breathe~" I cooed to which the mutt before me growled and I only whistled as if I had done nothing wrong.

"Damn it... Not another one..." The idiot mumbled as Koga smirked at my remarks before regaining his composure and a frown quickly took over his face once more. Inuyasha was soon done talking and went into attack my fellow wolf demon and quickly getting himself kicked to the ground by the other male. I was about to jump in when Kagome yelled out to him about his jewel shards and I pointed to myself innocently.

"Oh yeah~ Kagome did tell me about his jewel shards just a second ago, huh?" I shrugged as the white haired man glared at me.

"Why didn't you say something earlier?..." He trailed off.

"No clue, it must've just slipped my mind~" I teased him as his eyebrow twitched. He and I both knew that I didn't say anything just so I could see him in a bit of pain, which made our other friends sweat drop at our little interaction. Just then an argument started up between Koga and Inuyasha and I knew it was about time I step in. I cracked my knuckles and sighed.

"I didn't want to get my hands too dirty today, but I suppose we can't all have what we want." I said as I got into a fighting stance by the other half-demon's side.

"You sure you wanna take me on? You're only a human and I don't plan on going easy on you because of that!" Koga exclaimed with a wide grin. I nodded with a determined look on my face.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way." I said and he got ready to charge at us.

"Tch, so be it then." Koga said before rushing towards us at a great speed. He's fast, too fast because of those damn jewel shards in his legs. I dodged him along with Inuyasha as best as I could but in my human form I wasn't much use, I served more as a distraction than anything. I don't know why I haven't changed forms yet though... Maybe it's because I find this fight entertaining and I don't want to ruin the illusion? Maybe I can't bring myself to fight against my own kind like this? I can't tell really. Koga was getting hard to keep track of after a while and Inuyasha took notice. He decided that now would be a good time to use his new moves and nodded his head in the direction opposite of the fight, telling me to get out of the way since the attacks impact would be big. I silently agreed to his plan and jumped back to Kagome's side, out of the way of his sword's path. Kagome asked me what I was doing with her instead of Inuyasha and I just told her to stay back and watch out in return. She seemed to have understood my meaning when Inuyasha ran at Koga with his blade held high in the air above his head.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now