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Hey there and welcome back to another one of our crappy chapters heheh... Whelp I hope you enjoy this one. It took a bit of a thinking process to come up with the story in this chapter. Now, on with the chapter!


~Okami's POV~

While we were walking past a local village on the search for the shards of the sacred jewel we started hearing more of the latest gossip of the feudal era. Yes, literally every village we come across has something to say about what's going on in the area recently. It's a blessing and a curse. I overheard something about steelworkers and for some reason it had caught my attention. I immediately excused myself from our group, telling them to wait there for a moment. They of course let me do as I pleased and I walked over.

"I heard the steelworkers in the nearby lake have been plagued with fog." Said one of the villagers in dismay.

"Yeah, I heard it was the work of a demon who has been on their land for years. They say that this demon just now became hostile towards them, leading villagers to their demise by taking them into the deepest midst of the fog." Another sighed with a shake of the head in disappointment.

"I'm just glad we don't have such a problem." He said in a nervous tone as they all nodded together in agreement. That was when I stepped in, out of nowhere might I add hehe~

"And you say that these steelworkers live in the lake? Does that mean they have a village in the dead center? Also there is a demon involved as you said, so maybe I could help out?" I asked multiple questions at once to the villagers. They all jumped a few feet back due to my surprise appearance. They slowly nodded and continued to respond to me.

"The village that you speak of is indeed in the middle of the nearby lake. It is shrouded in fog now, however, so it's a bit harder to find than it was before." The one in the middle of the three middle aged men told me. I nodded and spoke.

"I see... Now what's this about a demon being around those parts? I heard you speak as if they were the cause of such fog and other terrible doings." I said and they continued with slight hatred in their tone, most likely towards demons, too bad I almost got along with them...

"There is a demon around those parts, they've lived there for a long time and now after all that's been given to them by that village, they've become totally hostile towards them." The man on the side spoke as they all began to rant on about how demons and their actions disgust them. That's when I zoned out and began to hear squeaking, noticing there was an eerily attracting black and white butterfly hovering by a large rock nearby. Soon enough it flew off behind the rock, like it was asking me to follow.

"Hm... Well I think I'm going to check out this steelworkers village. Which way is it?" I asked the villagers who pointed right in the direction where the butterfly had disappeared from. I gave them a bow and thanked them before heading over to my group. I pet Shippo's head and smiled down at him before looking to Kagome and giving her the look that said 'I'm going to say something crazy, but don't interfere'.

"Hey Shippo, Kagome, I'm gonna have to take a leave for a little while. I'll be back soon but you guys keep going okay? I have the nose in my demon form to smell where you guys are-" I coughed very loudly.

"Especially-" Cough.

"A certain-" Cough.

"Canine." I smirked as the mutt went off on me for only acknowledging him just now and like that. I laughed before turning around.

"Well I'd rather not stay and hear complaints from anyone on anything, especially why I shouldn't go off on my own when I can handle myself." I said with a sigh before glancing back at them.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now