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Koga's finally returning! I'm excited! Let's get on into this then, shall we?


Okami stood beside Kagome and Shippo and watched with a wide grin on her face as Inuyasha sniffed the ground. "The hell are you smilin' at, Mangy Wolf!" An irk mark appeared on her head.

"You, you Flea Bag!" She yelled back at him as they growled at each other from a distance. Kagome only sighed and asked Okami to at least try and help the guy out. Reluctantly she agreed and used her ears to try and pick up on any noise as well as sniffed about for any scent trails without getting on the ground like a dog would. 'That sound... It's coming quickly from behind us. There's also a familiar scent along with it. Could that be who I think it is?' Okami thought for a moment before getting interrupted by the exact one she had thought was coming. It was Koga and for some reason he was in the area, he had stepped on Inuyasha on the way in which made Okami snicker under her breath. The wolf demon quickly greeted Kagome first as usual which made Okami a little sad on the inside, but she could understand why given that he's in love with her and all.

After a couple of moments of flirting with Kagome, however, Koga noticed Okami was standing there and almost completely forgot about Kagome oddly enough. He grinned as he went over to Okami and picked her up before spinning her around. "Hey, you! How've you been?" He asked as he put her down. A little dazed by the sudden interest in her she blinked a couple times before replying.

"I'm doing just fine other than the fact that I was cursed the other day. How're you and the boys doing?" Okami said nonchalantly as if it were not a big deal.

"You were cursed!? Who did it? Point them out to me and I'll kill 'em, no problem!" Koga said in an angry and panicked state all of the sudden.

"We already killed the witch, don't worry about it. You know I can handle myself." She reassured him.

"Yeah, yeah... Anyway, to answer your question, my men and I are doing well." Koga smirked as Okami pulled her bag off of her shoulder and started searching through it.

"Good. I actually got something for you guys." Okami said as she started pulling something out.

"Is it some more of those snacks you gave us last time?" Koga asked as his eyes lit up with excitement, though he'd never admit to it.

"Yeah, actually. How'd you know?" She asked with a small smirk as he shrugged it off.

"Lucky guess. Did you get the good flavors?" He asked trying to hide his enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I got you the one you liked from last time and I also got you a new flavor you can try out." She said as she handed him two large bags of chips from her seemingly bottomless bag.

"Awesome! You're the best!" He said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, taking her gifts under his other arm as she giggled lightly at his cute behavior.

"Thanks, I try my best, but remember that you have to actually share these with the guys. They need to have some too so don't hog them all to yourself." Okami warned him as he sighed and nodded before taking the snacks from her.

"Fine... Actually I uh- I got you something too the other day..." Koga said as he grew a little embarrassed.

"You did?" Okami asked in shock.

"Yeah, I got into a battle with a shark demon the other day and when I defeated 'em I knocked one of it's teeth out. It kind of reminded me of you because sharks are known to be strong creatures and all, so my men helped me make into a necklace for you. If you don't want it, that's okay, but I just thought I'd-" Koga rambled which made her blush faintly because he indirectly called her a strong person as well as admitting to hand making a gift for her, prompting Okami to smile and stop him.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now