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Hey, welcome to the chapter and hope you enjoy! Now it's on with the chapter!


~Okami's POV~

As soon as we returned to Kaede's village, the mid-day after our return Kagome had left to our time since we had a test coming up in school. I told her that this time I'd have to miss out on study sessions and testing since I have a few questions for Myoga and Kaede, and stayed behind. Inuyasha had run off into the forest after Kagome left saying that he is 'on the hunt for dinner' and Shippo decided to stay with me whilst I talked to Kaede and Myoga. I sighed as I walked towards said woman's hut with Shippo on my shoulder, sort of dreading the long overdue conversation.

"What's wrong Okami? Is everything okay? You've been staring off into space for a while now." Shippo asked me, taking notice of something I hadn't. I'd been staring into the sky the whole time I was walking. I chuckled lightly before responding to try to give the boy some sort of reassurance.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine Shippo. I'm just lost in thought is all." I told him and he nodded as we reached the entrance of Kaede's hut.

'And a little nervous.' I thought as I took one last look at Shippo before smiling and striding into the hut.

"Hey Kaede, Myoga?" I asked as I stepped inside to find the two chatting together, and I seemed to be interrupting as they both stopped themselves and looked towards me.

"Why hello there Okami. What brings ye to us at this time dear? I thought Kagome had just gone home." Kaede greeted.

"Heya, and yes, Kagome did leave. I just stayed behind this time because I had a few questions for you." I said which caused them to usher me to sit down, in which I did, Shippo hopping off into my lap after I did so.

"So, what is it you'd like to talk about?" Myoga asked curiously as he sat on Kaede's shoulder. I took a deep breath before starting.

"Myoga, remember when we were in battle with Sesshomaru? Right before I had first seen him, you and I were in conversation. You then seemed to recognize me from somewhere, though I had never met you before that day from what I could tell. You even asked for my name, that of which you didn't receive due to Sesshomaru's grand appearance." I said as we all had a small flashback to these moments whilst I continued to explain.

"Then during our battle, once you heard my name aloud, you seemed to recognize my name as well. This is incredibly odd since I'm not from this era. Plus at the end of our battle with the Thunder Brothers, you had recognized the flames that spouted from my hands as 'The Eternal Flames of Hell'. After all of these things and hearing Shippo talk about being an orphan I had been left to wonder... Who am I really and how could you recognize so many things about me if you've never known me?" I finished and awaited an answer.

"Now I see. You want to know what I know about yourself?" Myoga asked and I nodded.

"Alright then, well this story begins many years ago. Demons and humans alike never got along for as long as they've been around, even now that hatred still remains. Though there was one woman who had never believed that hatred was deserved. She actually happened to be a demon wolf, though unlike you, she's full on demon. Her name was Mistress Hitoshī." He began with everyone else in the room clinging to his every word.

"Hitoshī was undeniably beautiful and fearless, and had the power of the Eternal Flames of Hell just like you do. She hated the idea of the hatred between humans and demons, though her parents were on the opposite side of the argument. They banished her from her old village for her beliefs when she stood up for a human girl that they had tried to kill. After leaving her old life behind, the human she saved came back to serve her as an adviser and friend. They traveled together, making many friends along the way who followed her beliefs and ultimately they had built up a village hidden deep in the forest for the people of the world who believed that humans and demons could actually get along and even find love. The village slowly grew and she had a whole community and army of people following her, she loved her new life, but with every upside there is always a downside." Myoga continued on.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now