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Hope you enjoy this chapter! This chapter will be more so centered around what Okami's going through in her subconscious while she is being controlled by Naraku on the outside. Also slight trigger warning because of mentions of abuse in this chapter. Oh, and one more thing, Okami's memories are slightly altered in this state of mind she's trapped in (spoiler so that the chapter makes a lil more sense, she is trapped in a world in which she never met Kagome and the Higurashi family never existed so she never realized who she really is and she never met her feudal friends) so don't take everything said as fact.


Okami woke up in a familiar bedroom, it was her bedroom that she once stayed in at the Hikari's. The air even in her own bedroom was tense and it smelled of vanilla, it was a scent she associated with the family because of their love for it, but she would describe them as anything but pure unlike the vanilla scent they gave off. Okami always had a bit of a sensitive nose even as a child so everyone had a distinct scent she could recognize then from. Kagome smelled of green apples, Ozu smelled of lavender, Hojo of eucalyptus and mint, Hana of cherry blossoms, etc. This situation she was in currently felt odd, however, because even though she had lived here her whole life up until this point she felt like she was meant to be living somewhere else. The girl shook it off and begrudgingly dragged herself out of bed and began getting ready for school, her parents ignored her as they usually did when she walked out the door that morning, holding a hand up to her right eye that had been blackened and bandaged herself the night before because of a low test score she had received. Let's just say her parents were firm believers of physical punishments and because of this she became pretty well versed in the basics of first aid. As she walked to school she heard some people talking on the streets near her.

"Did you hear the news this morning?" A teenage girl said to one of her friends as they walked towards Okami, seemingly heading in the opposite direction she was.

"Yeah, apparently it's the anniversary of a woman's death. She died years ago in a car accident. I think her name was Minuki Ozu." The friend of the girl said as they passed her and the raven haired girl just continued walking as she rolled her eyes, not all that into small talk or gossip as well as the people who partook in those activities. 'Ozu huh?... That name sounds familiar for some reason...' She thought as she walked passed a tall, grassy hill that seemed to be calling her name. It was covered in trees and looked abandoned. She stopped for a moment to look over the place. She didn't understand why such a barren place was calling out to her like this, but the longer she looked at the hill, the more she felt like something or someone was meant to be here to greet her. The girl shook it off, assuming that she was having an off day because the blow to the face she received was probably starting to mess with her perception of things. Then she ran off to school because otherwise she'd be late, although she didn't really care all that much about showing up on time she did not feel like being held back at the end of class to talk with the teacher about why she was late because that could lead into a conversation about her eye or worse prompt a phone call home and earn her a second black eye.

When she got to her class she found that her desk had been written all over, her bullies were at it again, writing insults all over her desk because she kept to herself, came into class injured a lot, had a bad attitude and a foul mouth. They wrote all sorts of things like "loser, idiot, bitch, hothead, weirdo, gang leader, bully" and other dumb names based upon the rumors her classmates made about her. Most of the kids in her class assumed since she was raised in a good household that she was just a rebellious wild child who must be involved in some sort of gang and bullied others into getting what she wanted from them that way because of her attitude problem, foul-mouthed behavior, and constant injuries popping up on her every day. Little did they know that the problems came from the environment she was raised in, she only knew how to fight to survive as a child and grew up in an environment where she couldn't speak her mind, think, or even breathe differently than her family or there would be consequences. This made her angry at times and it caused her to have a hard time trusting others as well as stunted her when it came to her emotional development since she didn't know how to solve her problems or express herself without getting loud or violent like her parents did. Back to the present point in time as she read the mean messages scattered across her desk space, she only sighed and sat down as she once again felt like this was all wrong and she shouldn't be here right now.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now