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Welcome back everyone to another chapter! On with the chapter!


Okami and Inuyasha were sitting side by side to keep watch over the others as they slept in Kaede's hut for the night. While the two of them sat there with their eyes closed suddenly they both picked up on the scent in the air, it had changed, and it was a familiar scent that flowed throughout the air. Both of them jumped up into their feet and ran off to check out where the source of said scent could be. As they stood on a small cliff-side searching around the area silently as they sniffed around, Kagome made her way over to check on the both of them. Okami's ear twitched when she heard her friend's footsteps approaching and turned around. "Hey Kagome-chan, what're you doing up?"

"What's the matter? The both of you took off without saying a word." Kagome asked as Inuyasha cut in to explain.

"The scent in the air has changed, and that can't be good." He started.

"What's so bad about it exactly?" Kagome raised an eyebrow at them wishing they would just get to the point.

"That scent in the air belongs to none other than Naraku, that is why it's bad." She finished for the flea brained mutt. After a bit more discussion the three of them agreed to go and wake the others up to follow this scent trail. It was too good of a lead to pass up, and so that's how Shippo ended up taking a nap in Okami's backpack as she ran after Inuyasha. 'Poor thing, it's the middle of the night and he must be so tired after everything that happened in the past couple of days...' The amber eyed female thought as she pressed onward. It was odd that after all of this time Naraku spent purposefully hiding himself he just showed himself out of nowhere. Inuyasha and Okami sped up in their pursuit of their enemy as Kagome yelled at them to slow down for a moment.

When the two came to a halt they turned quickly to face the rest of their group. "What's the matter Kagome-chan?" Okami asked curiously.

"Yeah, what's the hold up?" Inuyasha added before she informed them that she sensed a jewel shard nearby, but it was in a different direction than where the scent they were after was coming from, prompting Sango and Miroku to offer to accompany her to check it out. Shippo pokes his head out of Okami's backpack and yawned as he asked about what he missed.

"Kagome-chan will explain it to you on the way to get the jewel shard. Miroku-kun, Sango-chan, please accompany them there for the mutt and I while we go after Naraku." Okami spoke as she took Shippo into her arms and handed him off to Kagome.

"Of course." Sango and Miroku said in unison as the group parted ways for the time being. Slowly Inuyasha and Okami began to lose track of Naraku's scent.

"Is he already going back into hiding? Just what is he up to?" She asked as the canine beside her growled in annoyance.

"Let's just hurry up and find him before we lose his scent completely!" He exclaimed and Okami nodded, continuing to jump through the trees alongside him.

"Right!" She called back. 'I hope the others are doing okay... Wait a moment, a single jewel shard this close to Naraku's castle? The only person he allows to roam free with a jewel shard is Kohaku-kun. Could it be that's who Kagome-chan was sensing?' The black haired girl thought to herself as she began to also smell another scent mixed in with Naraku's, it was Sesshomaru's scent, but why was he in Naraku's castle to begin with? She couldn't think on it for much longer because suddenly both scents ended right in front of them, causing the two half-demons to stop in their tracks.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now