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~Okami's POV~

I had just gotten to the Higurashi household after taking a little jog down the street. I may, or may not, have used my half-demon enhanced agility to propel myself to the top of a building and from there jumped from roof to roof with it. Maybe I stopped at a convenience store on the way as well, who knows? Though that's not really what matters because I was actually here to walk with Kagome to school. As I got to the door I just opened it and went on inside, the Higurashi's had known me long enough to know I'd be coming in the morning and just allow me to waltz in at around this time of the morning.

I walked towards where I heard the most noise, which was the kitchen and dining room area of the house. I assumed they were eating a family breakfast and was proven correct when I walked in the room to the family eating quietly. Kagome still seemed to be in a foul mood from what happened with her and the mutt the other day so I decided not to pry and to just act like my usual self. "Yo! Good morning, Higurashi clan!"

"Well, if it isn't Okami! How're you doing dear? Is your injury doing any better?" Ms. Higurashi asked me and I smiled softly.

"I'm doing wonderfully, and my wound is almost completely healed now, thank you for asking." I responded.

"So Okami did you plan to come and eat with us this morning?" Her grandfather asked me and I shook my head.

"Sadly I already ate this morning so that's gonna have to be a no. I only came to pick up our sweet Kagome here-" I started before putting a hand on her shoulder and rubbing it comfortingly while my other hand grabbed a hold of my backpack strap that sat atop my own shoulders.

"And safely escort her to school for today." I finished.

"We're very grateful for you looking after her." Her mother beamed at me.

"There's no need to be grateful to me since I'm her best friend and I enjoy being there for her." I waved her off gently.

"Okami!" Sota interrupted our conversation as soon as he finished eating his breakfast and jumped up from his chair. He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, causing me to remove my hand from Kagome's shoulder and place it on Sota's head to ruffle up his hair a little.

"Hey there, little man. I have something for you." I said and pulled a chocolate bar out of my bag. He excitedly went to take it from me but I held it above his head.

"You have to promise me you'll only eat it after you have lunch today. I don't want you spoiling your appetite with junk food." I said and held out my free pinky to him. He gladly nodded his head and pinky promised me as I gave him the chocolate. Kagome then abruptly stood, seemingly having enough of her breakfast for one morning and excused herself to start getting ready for school. I sat down in her place and sighed as I waited for her to get ready. The men of the household started questioning me about what happened to her that she's so upset this morning but I only shrugged and pretended not to know, if Kagome doesn't want to tell them herself, then maybe it's best they didn't know at all. Ms. Higurashi hit the nail on the head though when she nonchalantly said that she'd bet any money that it's boy trouble.


By the time that conversation had ended, Kagome was in uniform and ready to go so I got up from my spot at the table and bid everyone else a farewell. "Bye Higurashi clan. Have a nice day!" I exclaimed before following Kagome out the door. As we walked from the shrine towards our school it was quite silent. I didn't want to pry nor did I want to start up a conversation with her unless she felt like it so I kept quiet until she finally spoke up.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now