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Welcome back and I hope you enjoy! I re-watched this episode recently to write this chapter properly and I forgot how cute Soten really is! She's absolutely adorable! Anyway, without any further delays, let's get into the chapter.


Okami was taking Shippo on a walk through a field of flowers to take their minds off of their most recent battles considering how draining they had been these days. She had luckily healed quite well after what happened to her arm, no scarring or anything, and of course she saw to it that Koga's wounds healed before she let him go off on his own again with his men by his side. Back in the present day, as the half demon and her fox child companion walked through the open area, dark clouds swarmed overhead suddenly making the sky turn a dark shade of grey and the air to become colder and thicker as lighting started striking the ground in front of them. Shippo jumped onto Okami's head out of fear and she became on high alert as she looked about the place to see if this was an vicious attack of some kind. 'Dark clouds wouldn't just roll in that quickly under any circumstance, let alone strike lightning specifically in front of us with no rain to accompany it.' The teen thought as Shippo pointed to the ground in front of them.

"Okami-chan! Look over there!" The fox child exclaimed.

"Huh? An arrow? There seems to be a piece of paper wrapped around it too." The amber eyed girl stated as she crouched down in front of said arrow, the boy on her head jumping off of her and pulling the message carefully off of the arrow to read it. She began to read it over his shoulder and found that a demon named Soten had challenged the small child to a duel to the death. It turned out that they were a part of the Thunder Demon Tribe as well, and was apparently a survivor of said tribe.

"The Thunder Demon tribe? I haven't heard that name in a while." Okami thought aloud as she noticed the rest of their group members had suddenly appeared behind them to read the note over Shippo's shoulder as well. They interrupted him and offered to take him to the location that Soten asked him to meet at and offered to help him fight the battle too if need be.

"Doesn't this seem a little weird to you guys?" Kagome cut in.

"How so?" The half wolf demon asked.

"Well if the Thunder Demon Tribe is really related to Hiten and Monten, that would mean that they are challenging you now for some sort of revenge, right Shippo-kun? Though if I remember correctly it wasn't you who fought the brothers. In fact, it was Inuyasha-kun and Okami-chan. So why did they challenge you instead of them?" Kagome asked and Okami's eyes widened as she realized that she was right.

"Well... The two of them are half-demons, so maybe they wanted to fight a full demon instead?" The fox demon of the group questioned, unsure of why he was being challenged himself.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Inuyasha yelled as he hit Shippo over the head and Okami nudged Kagome to which she sighed and glared at the man in the red kimono on the other side of her.

"Sit boy!" She shouted as said male came crashing down, his body hitting the dirt, getting a mouthful as he yelped in pain.

"Ack!" He yelled as Okami started snickering to herself at his misery.

"Serves you right, Inubaka. Now, are you certain you don't wish for us to help you Shippo-kun? We're here for you if you need our assistance you know." She told the other half breed off before turning her attention to the fox child who seemed to be quite literally shaking out of nervousness for his upcoming battle with the sole survivor of the Thunder Demon Tribe.

"I know, but I'll be fine! It's my duty as a brave warrior to finish this quest on my own." The boy valiantly said as he tried to look brave in front of his friends, placing a hand over his heart as the wolf demon girl sighed at his behavior, finding it hard to believe him when he was currently quaking in his boots.


"Aright then~ Let's get going, shall we?" Okami suggested, trying to be as supportive as possible for him as the others nodded in agreement and started to make their way towards the location of the Thunder Demon Tribe's hideout. On the way there Shippo made it his mission to find a way to slow the group down as much as possible so he wouldn't have to fight the one awaiting him in the valley ahead of them. Inuyasha became irked by this and started messing with him and eventually yelling at him for slowing down the process. Okami tried to calm him down which of course didn't work and so she tried her best to get Shippo to move along instead. Instead of actually listening to her the fox child became even slower than before and she only sighed as Inuyasha usher him along with his sword out of our frustration. As they walked along Shippo asked for everyone to stay back so that they wouldn't get hurt in his fight, but all of them knew he was only begging them for help in disguise. Okami smiled to herself at his childish mannerisms as she crossed her arms, soon hearing the sound of something coming their way and turning to look up at the mountainous ledge above them.

A Boulder was rolling towards them at full speed. Inuyasha took Kagome and jumped out of the way, Okami jumped onto a ledge nearby the two and got herself out of the way, Sango and Miroku hopped on Kirara and moved out of the way as Shippo ran in circles trying to figure out what to do. "Oh no, Shippo-kun! Jump over here!" Okami exclaimed as she reached her hand out towards him, he didn't seem to hear her in his panicked state and instead ran down of the mountainside they were on with the boulder following him down. Eventually Shippo remembered he had fox magic and used it to float back upwards, only to be captured by a little red dragon on the way out. 'Damn it they've got him. Don't worry Shippo-kun, I'll save you soon enough... Hopefully they don't do anything bad to him...' She thought to herself as she ran off ahead by herself to try and get Shippo back herself, much to the dismay of her friends who didn't want to split up like this. Right as she transformed into her half-demon form she started smelling an overwhelming smell almost like lilies but it was off, one that made her nose twitch and caused her to fall to the ground in a dizzy state.

"They planned this... From the beginning... Didn't they?" She asked herself as she used all of her strength left to change back into her human form. It took a couple moments, but her senses calmed down and she was able to continue forwards until she made it to the valley that Shippo should be in. Once she came to the doorway of the place it was open and Kagome as well as Inuyasha were already there with the same dragon that captured Shippo earlier in their possession.

"What'd I miss?" Okami asked as she walked up beside them.

"Okami-chan!" Shippo exclaimed with a wide smile as she smiled back at him.

"Glad to see you're alive too, Shippo-kun." She spoke as her gaze shifted over to the child across from him.

"Is that kid Soten-san? The one who asked you to come here in the first place?" She asked and Shippo nodded as Kagome and Okami looked at each other before grinning and walking over to the small child. They both picked the Thunder Tribe survivor up and started rubbing their cheeks up against either of the kid's very own. The child started yelling out in protest at their actions, clearly not a fan of being coddled by the strange girls.

"That's a good boy~" The two cooed in unison.

"Don't treat me like a child, I'm the leader of the Thunder Demon Tribe!" Soten shouted as Kagome giggled.

"Sure you are~ What a cute little boy~" The schoolgirl continued as Soten grew aggravated and yelled once again.

"I'm not a boy, I'm a girl!" She exclaimed as both the teenage girls' expressions lit up like a Christmas tree.

"You're a girl? That's even cuter! Aw~" The two said as they went back to snuggling the girl as she cried out in protest once more. Shippo then started to leave and Soten called out to him about admitting to defeat. He then turned around and threw a box of crayons to the girl before warning her not to think about vengeance again before taking his leave. After that Okami and the others bid their goodbyes to the girl and her dragon companion, Koryu before following after the fox child to go and find their other friends. The messy haired girl carefully watched Shippo out of the corner of her eye as he gave a serious stare at the path ahead of him, causing her to smiling as she thought to herself.

'My little Shippo-kun... He's becoming a man.'


Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll cya in the next one!

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now