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Hello again, what more do I have to say except for I hope you enjoy!


~Okami's POV~

After returning to our era, Kagome tried to go back to the feudal era. She ended up not making it through which surprised me because I didn't know that without her jewel shards Kagome couldn't make it back. Kagome asked me if I wanted to try and head back without her, of course I said no since I had traveled back an forth between the two eras without fail before in secret. Plus I'd rather be there with Kagome when we go back to give that insensitive jerk a piece of our minds. It was early morning now so if we wanted to make it to school today we would have to hurry. "Kagome, now isn't the time to worry about getting back there. Since we are already here we might as well try to keep up with what's happening here. Like school and the homework we were supposed to do and didn't." I suggested before Kagome started to panic about school and I told her to quickly go get ready as I do the same at my own apartment and to then meet me at the entrance of my building that was on the way to school. She nodded before we both ran off in separate directions.

Once I got into my apartment I went straight to the shower so I wouldn't smell like I've been sleeping in the trees and on the ground for the past couple of days. When I was done with that I went to grab some new clothes because the old clothes I was wearing got tarnished and burned through even at the ankles of my outfit from Sesshomaru's poisonous claws. When I was finished changing I ended up in this and actually felt pretty confident in it. So I happily strolled off to finish my normal routine and find that backpack I had that I wanted to take back to the feudal era with me whenever we head back. I really needed to have it with me to carry clothes, schoolwork, and extra little things that I think we'll enjoy.

Finally finished I slung the grey and black bag that I found in the back of my closet over my shoulder and went outside to find Kagome already standing there. As we noticed each other's presence we silently started walking. Kagome seemed deep in her thoughts right now and it worried me. 'She must be obsessing over him now, I mean we did leave when his wounds were still open.' I thought and sighed internally at that thought. Was he purposely trying to make her worry or what?

When we made it to school I got Kagome to promise me that we could do a bit of shopping later to get her mind off things and for me to find some things for my bag to take to the feudal era. Soon after we had that little talk, our group of friends that we usually hang out with walked over to us. They asked Kagome about her illnesses and asked me about mine. "I swear anything Kagome gets that is contagious I get too since I spend so much time with her. I mean I try to take care of her and help out around her house for her, but I always somehow end up getting what she has." I said with a huff before speaking again. "It's worth it though~" I cooed and wrapped my arm around Kagome's shoulders and we all laughed, continuing to talk about random things that would only matter to us for a day or two before we moved onto a new topic.

We went to class as usual and I was so lost in the pages of my textbook as we all read along that it was almost embarrassing. I couldn't understand a thing! Just how long have I been gone exactly!? I softly grumbled and groaned under my breath and I think a certain someone noticed. Because it was then that I felt a tap on my shoulder before I looked to my right and saw Ayumi smiling at me we her hand held out to me. "Take it, it looks like you just might need it." She whispered as I looked down to her hand to see a notebook held carefully in it, it must've been notes from the last few chapters that I really did need like she said. I beamed and took the notebook from her before slipping it into my bag that I had brought today so I could go through and study later.

"Thanks Ayumi. You are a true lifesaver and I promise I'll get this back to you as soon as possible." I told her quietly as she told me to take all the time I needed with it in response.

A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now