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THERE WERE A Number of gasps throughout the room as I ran to John and gave him a tight hug. I walked over to Snow who was -by how she looked- still mad. I was about to hug her, then went to a high five, which then went to a wave.
"Hey." I said, walking away awkwardly. Then the blonde one, Max, ran up to the silhouette man. She got on her toes and pressed herself against him. But she immediately stopped, hit him, and went back to the other blonde boy.
"What are you doing back here?" His voice was stern, "You've hurt Max enough, you have to leave."
"Actually, I was told to come here. Come back to Max. So, stay out of it, you douchebag." The silhouette man responded.
"Stop." Max stepped in, "I make my own choices." She held her hands up, Blondie and silhouette man waiting for an answer. "Fang, what do you have to say." He took a deep breath.
"So, one, I found Angel.
Two, I belong with you.
Three, he sucks." She backed away from him.
"All of that is wrong on so many levels!" She shouted offensively, "So, one, Lying to me just to get me with you is insane!
Two, you don't make my choices. I like Dylan." That's what it is! I snapped my fingers and smiled. She stopped speaking and turned to me.
"Sorry, continue."
"Three, he's amazing! He cares for me, unlike you. And does whatever he needs to do, to protect me even when I don't need you. He makes me feel loved and special. All you do is make me tingly inside."
"You don't understand, let me find her for you." He said, ignoring the other stuff she said. She rolled her eyes.
"Sure, go. And when you find her. Then we'll talk." And with that, he raced off and searched for Angel.
"Can you believe him?" She told Dylan, who grasped her hand and stroke his hand through her hair. I looked over to Snow and she just gives me the cold shoulder. I followed Fang to find Angel since I had nothing else to do, and scoured the building.
"So, what's going on with all that?" I asked. At first there was silence. "Well, never-"
"I was in love with Max." I sharply, inhaled through my teeth. "But then Dylan can along and was apparently designed to love, to be Max's perfect, other half."
"Yeah," he chuckled, "So I left. For her sake."
"I was just going to get in the way. So I left. And a while ago, I started a blog that went worldwide, which is why I thought it was weird when you didn't see me. That's actually where I found out that Angel was here. Someone commented." I was about to protest, "I know, I know. They shouldn't be fully trustworthy. But if the rest of my flock is here, then she's here."
"Huh. Flock." He raised an eyebrow. "We always call each other a pack, instead of a flock. You know since we're wolves and all." He jumped to the side and got into a fight position.
"I guess, yeah." I remembered he doesn't know, "I was born like this and was then discarded. Max already told me you guys were hunted by erasers half your life." He nodded and slowly moved his way back to me.
"Yo, look. A hatch." We opened it in hope, and slowly climbed down the ladder, or whatever they're called. We reached the ground and everything in the bunker was shattered and burnt, and still filled with smoke. We walked around and looked for anything that might tell us something. I heard Fang audibly gasp, as I rushed over to him. I opened the curtain door and saw it. Her.
                                   "Angel!" Fang shouted. He ran up to her, as not too many moments later, the rest climbed down too. Max ran over to Angel and swaddled her up, in her arms. She gave Fang a sincere, thank you, look. We got her wrapped up and ready to leave. But she spoke.
"Max." She gripped her shirt, "Max, they took my wings." Max was startled for a moment and checked behind her.
"No, it's fine honey." Angel's face scrunched up in confusion. "Your wings are still there." She shook her head.
"No max, they took them, they cut them off."
"No, sweetie. They just gave you some stuff to make you feel that."
Her hands then began to go up to her face.
"But, they experimented on my eyes."
"That must've been fa-"
"No, Max. I'm blind." Max's expression fell, the way mine did when I found out John had no arm or leg.
"Baby?" Max waved her hand in front of her. Angel shook her head. We climbed out of the bunker and began searching for the exit to the giant building.
"Hey, kids." A voice called, "What are you doing?" We all turned around and faced a man. A man with spoils, boiling red, skin. He was balding and his face was heated.
"Mark." Max and Snow said at the same time.
"That's right." He looked hideous. "You know, we actually started the 99% Plan, right?" We all nodded. "Witness it in the flesh." We all grimaced as we stared at him.
"So this." Max said, waving her arms in front of him, "Is your great plan?" She put her hands on her hips, "Just some plague?" He nodded. And I shook.
"No, no, no." I waved my finger, "This is just a distraction." All eyes were gorged into mine now, "There's something else. Have any of you yet heard of the term, 'the sky is falling,' this year?" Some said yes, some no. "There's a giant meteor that's going to smash into earth and-"
"You can keep talking but no one's listening." Mark ran by me.
"Destroy humanity by ninety-nine percent." I went on. Mark looked at me frustratingly.
"Shut up, kid. You don't even know what you're talking about!" He stormed up to me and pointed at my face. His heat conducted throughout the air and waved on to me, warming me.
"Yes, I do. Because I saw it." Everyone was confused. Mark chuckled and said,
"Are you kidding me?" He laughed, "Are you serious? No one- and literally- no one can see that far."
"Not when you're genetically engineere-" Wait, he said something true. 'no one can see that far.' So what did I see. I cupped my chin and thought. "Hey, Snow-" I grumbled, "Patrick, come hold up fingers." He did so, "Now ask me how many fingers you're holding up."
"How many?" I concentrated and really thought. I grunted a little and came to a conclusion.
"Wait wh-" He shifted around, "It was seven."
I chuckled.
"I'm not blind. I can sense things. Even though everything is black and dark, I can sense what or where things are." I smirked, turning back to Mark, "So, yeah. When you're scientifically engineered, you're a little different." He swore a bunch of words and groaned.
"This is going to bring you and the rest of humanity down! I swear to god!" He punched the wall and walked up to a nearby broken window. We were undoubtedly already a good couple hundred feet high, not including the height of the cliff. He smiled widely and screamed as he fell out of the window. Killing himself. We all rushed up to the window and saw his red lump, splattered against the ground.
"So, should we go?"

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