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"WHAT?!" SNOW SHOUTED, COVERING her mouth instantly.
"What is it?" Mom asked.
"Nothing, it's just I found out I'm- having trouble hearing." She said, smiling at mom.
"Oh, why I have just the medicine for that." She said waving her hand, heading for the cabinet. Ella finally came downstairs and was shocked at the sight of four other people in the room.
"Ahh!" She screamed. "Who are these people?!" She asked mom. Ella was my sister and last year I saved her from a gang of thugs attacking her. That was when I met her. Aaron had left the room and said he had to go to the bathroom. Before that though, he asked something strange. He asked where we keep the weapons and where we hide in case of danger. He's been gone for about thirty minutes now, but he might be- constipated. I gagged. I explained to Ella everything. The whole Pack situation and Angel and this whole rollercoaster. I heard something rumbling in a room upstairs. I walked up and gripped the railing.
"Aaron?" I called up the stairs. There was more rumbling and clutter in a closet on the second floor. I slowly walked up to the closet door and swung it open. Nothing. This is where the stuff is supposed to be. I walked over to the bathroom and checked on Aaron. I knocked on the door, As it swung open, gushing wind, thoroughly filling the bathroom. I entered. "Aaron?" Still, nothing. I heard something rustle from behind me, as I swirled around on the balls of my feet.
"You son of a-"
He hushed me. And there he was. Pointing a gun at me, was Aaron. He ran up to me and wrapped his arm around my neck and pointed the gun to my head.
"We're gonna walk downstairs nice and slow, and we're going to introduce the new me." I turned around and saw he was staring dead at me. He wasn't kidding. This was the new him. He pushed me down the stairs and everybody gasped when they saw Aaron with the gun to my head.
"Aaron?..." Snow whimpered.
"Get away from her!" Fang shouted, "What the hell, are you doing?!"
"Not a step!" Aaron yelled to all of them, pushing the handgun underneath my chin.
"Please, Fang, Dylan." They stared at me and I nodded. They backed down.
"Everybody, meet- the properly developed self, of me." He chokeheld me and pointed the gun at- my mom.

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