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I LOWERED THE GUN down to Dr. Martinez's level and-
Blood leaked down from her chest as she collapsed to the ground.
"MOM!" Max shouted, as I released her. Fang and Dylan then launched themselves at me. Big mistake.
Bang! Bang!
They both staggered backwards and coughed.
"You, bitch!" Snow shouted. I pointed my gun over to her. She didn't flinch, but instead stared at me. "You won't." She smiled and crossed her arms over her chest. I reloaded my gun and cocked it.
"Are you seriously willing to take that bet? I wouldn't." I said staring down the barrel of my gun, as she looked a little shocked and no matter how much she wanted to hate me, I knew she deep down, wanted to wish that I was still good. I knew I wasn't. That Mark guy got into my head. That's all I thought about ever since I found out I couldn't even trust my own family. I knew, I knew that I could either be apart of the end, or get sucked in and left behind. I wanted to be apart of it.
"Aaron, we've been together our whole lives. I know, no matter what you wouldn't-"
"Aaron, you-" She fell to the ground holding her shoulder. I didn't want her dead  just yet. I could still use her. I knew what my plan was right now. Cause the pain and havoc I can before the world ends. If everyone's going to die, who's going to care about a few lost souls? I shot the gun into the ceiling a bunch of times, as everyone ducked and covered their ears. I just smiled and laughed. I wanted to have fun and I just met everyone today so...
I chuckled.
"Hey, Angel." I turned my gun to her.
"No!" Fang shouted and jumped in front of her, right as I shot. He stood there in shock and waited there for a couple of seconds before he realised. He didn't get hit. The screams filled the room and I dropped the gun. I tried to reach back down for it, but couldn't. The blood began to leave Angel's face, as it went pale. She went out like a broken bulb. I eyed Max and the rest and kicked my gun behind me so no one can grab it. I dove for it, but landed on my stomach. Fang grabbed my ankle. I was able to quickly sweep the gun up and shot him in the chest. His hands immediately went down to his wound and Dylan took another swing at me. I gripped the weapon and pressed my finger against the trigger.
What in the-
Click. Click. Click.
Oh, shit. I kicked Dylan dead center of his fair face as he took it and lunged towards me. I pulled out my pocket knife and whipped it through his bullet wound, making a squelching sound. He screamed and bent down to his knees. Max finally took the mental pain of seeing her loved ones fade away and rushed up to me. I was able to reach for the bullets in my pocket and reload fast enough though. I shot and she dodged. This isn't going to end the way I expected. She swung her foot at me as I blocked it splashed her shin, digging deep into her skin. She winced at the pain and sucked it up. Punch after punch I either blocked it or evaded it. I took the giant step in the fight, literally, stepping widely closer to her, hugged her and pressed the handgun against her stomach.
Gazzy's bomb went off and blew half the house into pieces. John and Patrick were nowhere to be seen. I pushed off the rubble and dashed right out of, What used to be a house, and took off into the setting sun, leaving them to pick up my mess.
I inhaled the smooth air blowing around me, sighing.
This is great.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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