Chapter 1: Zara

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I am Zara Dawn Wyatt, a twenty-year-old about to reach the milestone of turning twenty-one in a month. My existence is often shielded from the critical gazes of others. To me, most humans are more malicious than vampires and demons combined. While vampires may feed on blood and demons may be labeled as monsters by humans, the depths of human darkness surpass them both.

Although they may appear human on the outside, their hearts are as sinister as the darkest tunnels without light at the end. You may perceive me as cruel for saying such things, but it remains a harsh reality.

Due to the cruel nature of humans, I find myself alone in this world. Some may consider me ungrateful, as I possess everything that most individuals will toil for generations to obtain, but what is the point of wealth without companionship?

The void that consumes my very being whenever I return home cannot be conveyed through words. Emptiness has become a constant companion, and I have forgotten the feeling of genuine laughter. My heart beats, but I no longer listen to its rhythm. It is as still and placid as the morning ocean, its tide never rising.

Sometimes, I gaze at the stars and question if I will remain a solitary being forever. I do not know if I am at fault for something I have unknowingly done.

Why would my own family betray me like this? No matter how much I ponder, I will never comprehend the reasons behind their actions. Although I was young at the time, I remember every detail like the back of my hand.

The truth is, there are times when I do not even know where I am headed. It feels like I am just existing for the sake of living. I do not belong to the world, nor do I belong to myself. Every morning, I follow the same routine: exercise, work from home, and swim.

Some may find it monotonous, but I find solace in its tranquility. I do not have friends, not because I do not desire any, but because no one has ever extended an offer of companionship to me. In my opinion, this is a blessing, for many friendships are far from peaceful.

Sometimes I question if there are even any good people left in this world. I value genuine relationships, but they seem scarce in this world.

Visualize the experience of unwavering loyalty being viciously subverted, time and time again. In my years at school, I have borne witness to numerous instances of such backstabbing, particularly among the affluent elite. In the higher echelons of society, familial bonds often hold no weight, and even siblings may betray each other without a second thought.

In some cases, the thirst for power and inheritance reaches such a fever pitch that family members are driven to murder one another. When I have children of my own someday, I vow to never stand idly by as they fight to the death. My offspring must learn the value of hard work and earn their success. But enough about that; back to my daily routine.

As I began my rigorous workout, my muscles coiled and ready for action. After an hour of exertion, I made my way to the kitchen for a bottle of cool water from the fridge. Breaking the seal and uncapping the bottle, I eagerly downed the refreshing liquid, thoroughly satisfying my thirst. Casually tossing the empty bottle into the nearby waste bin, I strode towards the stairs to prepare for my day at the company. Oh, I forgot to mention, my assistant is like a brother to me.

Emerging from the bath, I donned a pair of slim-fit jeans, a navy blue T-shirt, and crisp white sneakers. My long, wavy hair was secured in a high ponytail, and for a touch of subtle glamour, I applied some lip gloss. I detest makeup, but my sunglasses added a stylish flair to my outfit. Exiting my bedroom and descending the stairs, I grabbed a key to one of my cars and stepped out, the automatic front door clicking shut behind me.

With no appetite, I skipped breakfast and even my usual cup of morning coffee. I know many people can't start their day without caffeine, but for me, it makes no difference. My front yard is spacious and perfect for hosting events, not that I have any interest in parties or nightclubs. However, it is worth mentioning that I do own several clubs and hotels.

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