Chapter 15

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Celeste's P.O.V

Everything Zara said just now kept ringing in my head, I didn't know he has gone through so much. I thought he totally dislikes me because of the way he had looked at me in the pack house but turn out it was far from that. And Zara who literally doesn't trust easily said she truly trust me. I was overwhelmed with emotions. I gather my emotions under control and turned to my friends who gave me a look of sympathy.

"I never knew your mate's sister was this beautiful, I mean damn. She's a human and I've never met a human as beautiful as she is," Adele said with admiration in her eyes causing me to me to Laugh at her  expression.

"Yeah, she's truly hot. I mean look at that ass and hips. Her every curve would drive  men crazy," Karen added with a smile as well. Jeez, this girls have no idea who she belongs to.

"She has a mate in this pack and they're getting along well," I said with a smile, the girls jaws dropped as they looked at me with shock.

"Who's the lucky guy you're talking about?" Karen asked with curiousity.

"Is my brother," I said with a sad smile. The girls looked so speechless it worried me.

"How, when? I mean I don't understand, a seventh mate?" Karen stumbled upon her words. Even I was shocked too but I have a  good feeling about this.

"Yeah but my wolf said she's different and she have a good feeling about their bond," I clarified.

"Yeah, even mine seems protective of her,"  Adele replied with confusion. Adele is the daughter of our beta and Karen is the gamma's daughter so their wolf's would be very protective of Zara as she's the Luna but our wolf's weren't like this with the six previous mates of Sewell which is why we're a bit confused.

"I hope this time around is for good," Adele murmured as we made our way to English class. As we got closer my mate's scent got stronger and stronger. I knew immediately that we have the same class.

"He's in here," I told my friends as we neared the entrance.

"Wow, we get to meet him," Karen squealed making me roll my eyes. Typical Karen.
The girls went in first, I took a deep breath before walking in, I saw my mate with earbuds in his ears as he flipped through a book with concentration, his dark hair was framing half of his face. His cheekbones are high, his jawline sharp and nose straight as Zara's. His fingers which flipped the book are strong and slender, for a sixteen years old he was quite mascular. Suddenly his blue eyes snapped to mine as he stared at me with raised brows. I blushed in embarrassment as he kept his gaze on me, the bell rang which means we're about to start lessons.

No matter how much I willed my legs to move, they didn't. I was rooted to the floor as students flooded the classroom. Suddenly I saw a girl walked towards him. I scowled  in annoyance but he said something that surprised me and my wolf pumped a fist in the air.

"Sorry, this seat is occupied by the girl there," he said not even glancing at the person in question.

"Are you going to seat or stand?" He asked with raise brows again.

"I...eerrrmmm... I will sit," I mumbled walking towards him, I sat beside him as the teacher walked in.

"Hello and good morning," the teacher greeted the class with a smile. "So today we have a new student with us. A good student at that, very intelligent with all A's in the exams he took from elementary to this level which is particularly impressive, I must say. I will invite him to tell us a little bit about himself so that we can all get along well with him, Steven please step forward," the teacher said and he did without a word. That's what every new student does.

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