Chapter 19

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Third Person's P.O.V

Everyone stared at the fight scene in anticipation, not believing Zara could win, after all how can a mere human win a fight against three werewolves who has been training for three years. What the werewolves don't know is that Zara has been training since she turned eight, even at that age she was what her mates describe as "Lethal".

Zara gave her opponents time to recover. Crawford and Jim were grunting in pain, how can a simple fall be so painful? Jim gave Crawford a hard glare, if it wasn't for him they wouldn't be here fighting someone who's ten times stronger and smarter than them. Crawford didn't give a damn about his friend's dissatisfaction and turned to Zara. No matter what he wasn't about to lose this fight with her. He's a warrior and a son of a top warrior so one way or the other he have to win. Even if it means exposing his entire race.

The werewolves watched intently as she turned to face them with a chuckle. "You're very weak. Even my new team can take you down within seconds," she taunted her voice sounding quite amused but there was a coldness to it which everyone heard. Crawford's companions felt a shiver run down their spines. The one whose rips she has broken was still whimpering in pain which confused everyone, he was supposed to healed by now so how the fuck was he still whimpering in pain? That was the question running through Jim's head. Even Kane himself was surprised he wasn't healing like he was supposed to.

Crawford and Jim gave each other a knowing look before advancing towards the blindfolded woman. Jim punch Zara in the stomach but she didn't flinch, Crawford didn't give her anytime to retaliate before throwing a punch to her face but she caught his fist in a deadly grip before twisting his arm in an odd angle causing a bone to crack in the process.

Crawford bellowed in agony as Jim attempted to kick Zara in the abdomen but his leg was caught by her. Everything happened in blur because by the time he realized his mistake she kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, one fetal blow being delivered to his face almost at the same time.  The fight was intense between the three male wolves and the human girl. Zara really kept her promise as she has beaten Kane blue black and even knocked him out cold with a stab in his chest just like they did to her brother.

"You were watching when he was stab so I'm going to draw your blood as retribution for what you did," she has said stabbing him right through the chest and quickly pulled out the knife before removing the blindfold from her eyes and facing the remaining two opponents. The crowd gasped with widened eyes at how she was able to knocked out a werewolf in a matter of twenty minutes into the duel. Damn, the dread they felt for the two remaining male wolves skyrocketed to the last degree.

Jim and Crawford were panting heavily with widened eyes and shock. Zara showed them the dagger which they used to hurt her brother with a bloodthirsty smirk dancing on her lips. The two boys were already butted by her, bruised, bleeding and have a few broken bones but they knew they must take the plan C now so without wasting much time, they gave Zara a smirk in return which she returned with raised brows as amusement sparked in her irises .

"Is about to happen," Celeste muttered in dread squeezing Steven's hand.  "Yeah but she knows that already," Damien replied Celeste with an evil laughter causing the rest to shake their heads in disbelief.

After Zara gave the boys raised brows their bodies started vibrating causing the crowd to go deathly quite. They knew what was coming but was it worth it to expose a whole race because of this fight? Either way they wanted to see Zara's reaction,  they wanted to know if she would be scared shitless. Crawford and Jim was quick to launched at Zara before shape shifting midair into huge brown and ash wolves.

"I'm beginning to love this boys," Zara thought in amusement as everyone held their breaths except Damien Foster Wyatt. He had a smirk on his face. An evil laughter bubbled from his chest.

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