Chapter 28

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Sewell's P.O.V continues.....
Damien stepped forward, his face serious yet filled with admiration. It was clear that he had been observing the situation all along, silently rooting for me to make the right choice. "Sewell, I've seen many wolves succumb to their desires, only to realize later that they acted hastily and caused unnecessary turmoil. But you, my friend, have shown immense self-control and patience. You're willing to wait until the time is right, the perfect moment for both of you."

His words touched my soul, and I felt a sense of validation wash over me. It was difficult to resist the enticement, but knowing that I had earned Damien's respect gave me a renewed sense of determination. I wasn't alone in this struggle; my Alpha father, my brother, my sister, and my in-laws stood beside me.

"I appreciate your words, Damien," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "Zara deserves nothing but the best, and I won't settle for anything less. I want to make sure she feels comfortable and loved, without any shadow of doubt."

Damien nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You're wise beyond your years, Sewell. It takes a strong wolf to resist such temptation, especially when the mate bond is new and powerful. But trust me when I say, the rewards will be worth it. The love and trust you build with Zara will be unbreakable."

As his words echoed in my mind, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. I knew that waiting wouldn't be easy, but I was willing to endure it for Zara's sake. And deep down, I knew that our love had the potential to grow stronger and more profound with each passing day.

With a determined smile, I stood up from the stairs and faced my friends and family. "Thank you all for your support," I said, gratitude lacing my every word. "I know the road ahead won't be easy, but with all of you by my side, I believe we can overcome any obstacle."

My words were met with nods and encouraging smiles. The teasing laughter had subsided, replaced by an air of solidarity and determination. Together, we would navigate the complexities of the mate bond, ensuring that Zara and I could forge a beautiful, enduring love.

And as I made my way back to Zara's room, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the incredible people in my life. With them by my side, I knew that my love story with Zara would be nothing short of extraordinary.

As I entered Zara's room, a small smile played on her lips. She had been eavesdropping on our conversation, overhearing Damien's encouraging words. She knew, just as I did, that waiting was the right choice for us.

"Sewell," she said, her voice soft but filled with strength. "I heard what my father said, and I couldn't agree more. We have all the time in the world, and I trust in the bond we share. I'm willing to wait, to build a love that is strong and unshakable."

Her words washed over me, filling my heart with warmth. We were a team, facing the challenges together. I walked over to her, taking her hands in mine. "Zara, I promise you that I'll always be there for you, supporting and loving you. We'll take this journey at our own pace, and together, we'll create a love story that surpasses all expectations."

Zara's eyes sparkled with love and determination. "I know we can, Sewell. Our love will be worth every moment of patience and every obstacle we face. I'm ready to embark on this adventure with you."

With that, we sealed our pact with a gentle, tender kiss. In that moment, the world outside ceased to exist, and it was just the two of us, lost in the promise of what was to come. We would forge a love that would stand the test of time, with each passing day strengthening the bond between us.

And so, our love story began, one filled with triumphs and challenges, but always fueled by the unwavering support and love of our friends and family. We took each step forward with determination, knowing that our love was built on a solid foundation of trust, understanding, and patience.

It been about three weeks now since that day....As time passed, Zara and I faced our fair share of trials, but the reward was always worth the wait. Our love only grew stronger, deeper, and more profound with each passing day. And as we stood together, hand in hand, ready to face the future, we knew without a doubt that our extraordinary love story was just beginning.

Zara's P.OV

It's been about two weeks since I had heard everything my dad had said to Sewell, those words meant a lot to me. If my father, Damien Foster Wyatt advises someone from his own free will and heart, that means he has a lot of respect for that particular person and Sewell is on of them. Although Alpha Jason made my father Sewell and his siblings godfather, my father still texted him in his own way.

Over the past few weeks, my father and my mother Nina has become very close and seems to extremely l likes each other's company. Foster, Rain and Steve now attends the same school and are very close like brothers. Everyone in town now knows that Nina and my father are mates and that I and Steve are her first and second children before Rain and Foster.

Well.., over the weeks I've been getting to know my mother more and I must confess that she's a very good woman and a wonderful mother. She and dad would make beautiful couple. I know dad loves mom, he can't deny the fact that she is the most beautiful woman in his world and beyond. My mom Nina and my dad Damien are both stunning in every way, God must have really spent a lot of time creating them.

But we knew that the vampires would come for us, they will form an alliance with the enemy packs that Alpha Jason has made over the years and the few ones Sewell have who would do anything to see this pack fall or turn into dust but we on guard and my dad could help with sending some warning notes to the enemies beforehand. Sewell's Alpha ceremony of in two weeks and we are aware the enemy would come at that time, if not for war then to kidnap or threat us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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