Chapter 11

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               Sewell's P.O.V

I  got down, I then carried her upstairs and laid her on my bed. I took off her boots and covered her with the blanket. I kicked off my boots and slipped on my slippers before exiting the room.
I got downstairs and saw my parents in the sitting room. I sat down across from them.  As they both kept talking without noticing me. I was slightly jealous of how they were looking at each other lovingly. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely happy for them but just thinking of not being able to get this kind of affection from my mate is painful for me.

"Hey son, when did you come?" My dad asked as he finally took notice of me.

"About two minutes ago," I replied after clearing my throat and getting my emotions under control.

"And where's she?" my mother asked with curioucity clear in her eyes.

"She's sleeping in my bed. She's exhausted and fell asleep before we got here," I replied nervously.

"That's good to hear. How was spending time with her?" My mother asked with the same curious expression.

"It was good, I guess," I replied brushing it off but I know she wouldn't lemme go without getting a better response from me.

"Just good? Come on tell me something new," she said leaning forward as if she was about to hear a big secret from me.

"It was magical, I felt free and cared for. She has this soft look in her eyes whenever she looks at me. Whenever she  smiles the world could be ending and I wouldn't mind and the more I get to know her, the more I feel free," I said truthfully as I run my fingers through my hair.

"She's the one. You have never smiled like this with your previous mates. I mean your smile right now is contagious, I can feel your happiness from miles away which is a good thing son," my father said as they both grinned smugly at me.

At this time the pack members started coming downstairs and I know some of them heard what I said because some of them were lurking around.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble but she wouldn't want a rotten alpha like you, she will surely reject you if she sees the real you, just like we all did in the past. The ugly you, I mean why would a beautiful girl like her be with someone like you," an all familiar voice said behind me. I stiffened at what the person said hanging my head low which was something an Alpha should never do but I just couldn't help it.

"Don't you dare speak to my son like that again Laura," my father growl at the she wolf standing in front of us.

"But everyone knows that I'm telling the truth. No woman would be able to love someone like him. He's just worthless and he knows that, don't even think for a second that that will love you, Zara would never love you," Laura said with a venomous tone.

"Why wouldn't I love him?" I heard my mate asked, I can imagine her raising a brow at Laura while her eyes stared at her blankly.

"Because he's rotten, worthless piece of shit," Laura spat in disgust. The amount of disgust in her voice made me flinch as tears blurred my vision. I can't help but break all over again.

"Where is he rotten?" my mate asked curiously. What will happen now would she regret ever meeting me? God am I going to experience this pain again?

"Ev... You know what, it doesn't matter because I don't care about that. No matter how someone's appearance is, it doesn't describe that person. Everyone has a dark side, human or not," my mate interrupted Laura as she sat beside me. I felt fingers under my chin and from the sparks I felt I knew who it was but I didn't want to raise my head, I didn't want her to see me like this but she still raised my head.

She wiped my tears with her hand before a serious look crossed her face. " Hold your head high at all times and square your shoulders with ease," she lectured coldly.

"You've got the power in you, your appearance doesn't define your power so be the king of yourself, don't let others bad words get to you," she said as she caressed my cheeks affectionately.

"No get up and show me who you are. I want you to embrace that power and show everyone here that they can't use your power against you because you own that power," my mate voice rang in my ears, the mere confidence and power in her voice caused me to release every alpha power I have in me.

I stood up, squared my shoulders back and held my head high and as I embrace my other side fully, I felt my blood rash in every part of my body. I have never felt more alive than this moment. I put on a cold look causing my mate to nod in satisfaction.

"That is it. I'm proud of you," she said with a smile. Her smile was real, sincere and held a lot of pride in it. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Since I met her she has never shown any distaste towards me, she always have a soft look in her eyes whenever she look at me and it always put me at ease.

    Zara's P.O.V

Damn he looks so sexy with all that aura surrounding him. Even though half of his was hidden under that golden mask it only made him look more manly. I have never felt so proud of anyone like I do right at this moment. Now he looks just like the king he is.

Everyone stared at him with with gapping mouths, I wonder why they were so shocked. " You can sit down now, your majesty," I said jokingly as he let out a chuckle and sat beside me. His eyes twinkle in delight as he gaze at me.

He looks at me as if I'm the most wonderful thing that has ever walked on earth. No man has ever looked at me like that before, the look in his eyes makes me feel beautiful beyond words, plus I don't hate the way he looks at me though. He looks as if he knows what he wants.

When I heard that girl say nasty things to Sewell and his parents, I felt so much rage. I was burning with an unknown anger which baffled me a lot but I had pushed it aside and did what was right. I saw the way he had his head bowed in defeat, something told me he wasn't supposed to be the one bowing his head instead, he should be the one to hold his head high.

" Thanks," he mouthed as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Welcome," I replied as I leaned against the couch.

              Alpha Jason's P.O.V
As I watch my son squared his shoulders and held his head high, I was almost on the verge of breaking in tears. At first I thought Zara would believe Laura but she didn't which surprised us all because that was what happened with his previous mates.

Laura and my son were friends, they were both inseparable when they were toddlers, even when they were teenagers they were still the same until that one thing destroy their friendship but to me it wasn't just that, my son didn't want to say exactly what had happened, at least not the full story.

Laura has become a bitch, scratch that, I know she was a bitch from the beginning. She was just my son's friend for his powers, nothing more, nothing less but my son was too blind to notice that because she was the only one who he thought didn't judge him but I knew better. But then again everytime I try to tell him something always gets in-between.

Well let's forget all that. Zara is special, my wolf is happy she's here. He even told me that she is special, he said he felt it from our first meeting with her. She's not afraid nor is she a coward, she even went out of her way to save my son which I'm sure none of his mates has done. No matter what happens I will make sure my son have her forever, I will not allow him to experience that sort of pain ever again, not on my watch.

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