Chapter 24

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Third Person's P. O. V

" You used him. You hurt him and left him behind when you knew you could have saved him and his parents. I feel ashamed for you," Zara's said with a shake of my head. Everyone could feel the disappointment rolling off her in waves. Nina couldn't help bowing her head in shame.

" And you denied your blood. You looked into my eyes and told me I could never be your child. You never knew how much your words affected me. You hurt me and took my hope away and you don't even know what Steven went through as a child until I found him, are you even sure you're a mother?" Zara said as I looked at Nina with a cold gaze but everyone could hear the amount of pain and hurt her voice held. She stood up and walked out of living room. The question she asked hanged in the air and it kept replaying in Nina's mind. She didn't know how to answer that question.

Foster who saw Zara's figure disappearing behind the door followed her with a sigh. He has never heard that part of the story before. Their mother shouldn't have uttered those words to a four year old.

" We would leave you alone now," the Luna uttered passing her companions a knowing look. Everyone left after Damien gave them a nod and said he would meet them at the pack house.

" Why did you tell her that?" Damien asked looking at the woman infront of him calmly. He must admit that, she was beautiful and his daughter looks like her. He should be angry at her but he just couldn't get angry. He didn't know why but it doesn't mean that he wasn't hurt with what she said to a four year old Zara back then.

" The contract restricts me from having any mother, daughter relationship with the kids I gave birth to. I didn't mean those words," Nina said with sincerity dripping from her tone.

" Even so, you shouldn't have said that. She never felt the love of a mother. Do you even know that I had to take her to a therapist because of your words and actions. A four year became suicidal because of your carelessness. If it wasn't for her teacher I wouldn't have known early. She became cold and matured within a night because of you. Goodness, I never even thought of it until this moment," Damien couldn't help letting the cat out of the bag. Nina, Steven and the other boy gasped in shock at his revelation.

" Before you, she was a normal kid with all the lights in her world but on single word from you put out those lights. Zara has watched her grandparents being murdered in her presence but she didn't cry or wail. I kept wondering if I had failed as a father. Why can't my daughter live the life of freedom? I wanted her to be able to make friends during childhood but she rejected the idea. She only smiles at her brother and I. You took her smile away," Damien added with a humourless chuckle.

" You know. After knowing everything from you, I can't say I'm angry. I'm just hurt by what you did. You never thought of what she might go through because of those words," Damien said tagging at his hair in frustration while Nina felt guilt swallow her entire being. She didn't know her words could drive a four year old girl to attempt taking her life multiple times.

" I'm so sorry. Forgive me," Nina said with blurry vision causing Damien to look anywhere but her. He didn't want to look at her, knowing he could forgive her if he did.

" Sorry but dad isn't the one you should apologise to. You know who deserves that apology. Although I doubt she will listen to you," Steven said seriously.

" For me. I have nothing against you so you don't need to ask for my forgiveness because I've forgiven you already but I can't promise I will forget what you've done to Zara," Steven said standing up and walking out of the living room. His words has shocked Nina greatly. She never thought the infant she left in the hands of the tigress would be so forgiving.

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