Chapter 20

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Zara's P.O.V

I was at home when a red box with a red ribbon tied on top of it was delivered to me. I took the box with a puzzled look. I went upstairs, kept it on the bed and opened it, keeping the cover aside I took out the content it contained. It was a beautiful, soft black dress which I'm sure would be just above my knee, it has thin sleeves with a heart designed at the back, which will expose some skin. Placing the dress aside, I picked up a smaller box from the bigger one, opening it, I saw a beautiful diamond necklace with an emerald teardrop pendant hanging on it. It was simply beautiful.

After placing it aside, I turned to go into the bathroom when a white piece of paper caught my eye. I picked it up and read what was written on it. " I hope you like the dress" I smiled slightly knowing who sent it over. I don't know why but knowing he sent me a dress made me giddy. Jeez, I should have dated when I was in high school but somehow, knowing he's the first man in my life makes me glad, there's just something about him that makes me feel at ease. I know he's a werewolf, it hard to believe but at the same time I'm not shock. I kinda like him but I don't know if he does. What I feel whenever I think of him scares me a bit but whatever it is, I hope it good.

Having someone who seems to notice every little thing about me shows me that, he cares about my well-being. He's just so beautiful to not gain my attention, I always try to put on a blank expression in his presence but he's not fazed by it at all. I've met a lot of men who have tried to be in a relationship with me, but one look from me would immediately make them run for the hills. But Sewell is..... just different, I mean....he hugs me, holds my hand and so on. He's kind of possessive and I love it. No man has ever been possessive of me. Many women hates men who are too territorial but I love it when a man is possessive of me. It means he isn't ready to share me with any other man. I'm also possessive though I've not dated anyone before.

After having a good bath, I applied body lotion and blow-dried my hair, I quickly slipped on a pair of black panties and brazier before slipping on the black dress and the necklace. I paired it with a pair of three inches heels. I applied a light makeup before exiting my room to meet my brother and father downstairs.  My brother had a blue jeans on, a black shirt, a black leather jacket and a pair of black combat boots. My dad was wearing a black jeans, a white long sleeve shirt and a pair of black sneakers, their hairs were messy but it fits them perfectly.

"You look stunning sis," my brother said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure that boy's jaw would drop the moment he sees you," my dad added rubbing his hands excitedly which made us chuckle. We exited our home, locked the door and hopped into one of the cars that was delivered recently. My dad taking the driver's seat with my brother in the back seat and me in the passenger seat, my dad speed out of our yard on to the street. I hope everything goes well but I couldn't help but have a gut feeling that something would happen tonight.

______ Sewell's P. O. V_____

The party was going on at the back of the pack house, the backyard is big for hosting occasions like this, despite my father saying it a small party, the whole pack was here. They wanted to get a better look at the human who was able to fight off three male wolves. Talking if which, her scent hit me as the wind blew gently. I turned to look at the entrance to the backyard, and saw her walking out into the open, the black dress she wore hang to her link a second skin, showing her every curve.

Her hair was let down tonight reaching just under her butt,  I was entrance by he beauty, goodness, she was so beautiful than all my previous mates, and she's all mine. Just that thought makes me want to hold her in my arms, mark her even to show every male wolf that she's mine and I was hers.

"What are you waiting for, go get your girl, bro," Paul said, appearing out of nowhere. He gave my back a slight push.

"Hurry up, don't keep our Luna waiting," Lincoln said. I breathe out and made my way towards her, meeting her half way. She looked at me for a while as I also starred at her. "You look breathtaking," I said to her and she smiled, a slight blush covering her cheeks. Darn, was she sexy.

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