Chapter 14

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Zara's P.O.V

I walked towards Steven as he stood outside with the same blank expression on his face, his hands were stuffed into the pockets of his sweatpants as he stared into space. I walked up to where he stood with a sigh of distress.

I don't know what it was about when the girl had looked at my brother but I believe it more than just a crush, the look Celeste gave him was as if she finally found her world, a world only she understands.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" I asked my silent brother gaining his immediate attention.

"Yes, I know," he replied firmly, which gladden my heart because his immediate response means he trusts me without questions.

"So tell me. Do you like her or are you crushing on her?" I asked with raised brows as he turned to look at me in bewilderment, seemingly stunned by my question.

"I... she's beautiful but we don't belong in the same world. I mean they're filthy rich but look at me, I'm a nobody so even if I'm crushing on her, it would only remain that way," Steven answered my question with a long sentence, his reply offended me slightly.

"Hey don't dare say such nonsense about yourself. Everything I have belongs to you, one day you'll be the one sitting behind my desk, working your ass off. You'll get married to the woman you loves and give me plenty nieces and nephews to play with. We will make a family, a beautiful family because we've got the money, the power and the passion. Even if the girl you love is an angel in the heavens, I will pray to God everyday to let you have the woman you love because you deserve it and God knows that as well," I lectured softly but confidently whiles he stared at me with a smile.

"Okay, I will listen to you ma'am. From now on, I will never degrade myself," he said causing both of us to laugh lightly as he put an arm around my neck, he was tall for a sixteen to seventeen old boy.

"If you are crushing on her, then persuade her.  There are relationships based on love at first sight but get to know her first. Maybe you're afraid of being left behind again but that shouldn't stop you from experiencing love when it comes your way. You might regret it if you don't give yourself a chance so if you go to school you better make friends and she should be one of them, with time you can decide for yourself," I advised.

I don't want Steven to live with regrets of the past like I've been doing. I will make sure this beginning ends well for him. I'm sure whatever Celeste feels for him isn't something simple but I won't interfere, I want him to take his own decisions and be proud of them. My brother is my everything, I made a mental note to talk to Celeste, I don't want her to pressure my brother into anything that he isn't comfortable with.

"Okay, I will try my best," he replied kissing my forehead lovingly while I hummed in satisfaction.

"I love you so much, Steven and I want you to be happy. Our bond is stronger than any sibling bond out there, it doesn't matter how we became siblings, all that matters is how we care about each other," I told him wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I love you too, sis. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're everything I've been looking for. I don't care about anything else but how we would be happy in the end with our own family," he replied smiling happily, one that made his eyes twinkle in delight and joy.

"You should also look for a boyfriend, so that I can get a brother-in-law too. I mean that man with the mask likes you a lot, just from the look in his eyes, I could tell he's crazy for you," Steve said teasingly earning a pinch from me which made him pouted his lips cutely, I laughed at his expression causing him to chuckle softly.

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