Chapter 23

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Zara's P. O. V

I woke up the next morning with a yawn escaping my lips, as I tried turning around to the other side only for me to feel a restriction on my waist. I looked at my waist and saw a very tan strong arm wrapped around my waist possessively and that's when everything from last night came rushing back.

I slowly turned around to take a good look at the man I'm in bed with. His brows were think, his eye lashes long, casting a shadow on his cheeks when he closes his eyes.

His pink lips were slightly parted as he snores softly. Sewell's nose was straight, straight chin with slight hairs which was waiting for shaving littered on his chin.

His hair was messy as he slept and my fingers itched to run through them so without thinking twice I proceeded to run my fingers through his hair, humming at the texture of it.

" Babe," he hummed snuggling into my touch. I giggled at his childishness. I was still fascinated by how that wound disappeared without a trace but I'm happy for him. He can live his life like a normal man now. I pecked his lips and his eyes fluttered opened, he gave me a grin and I chuckled softly.

" Now that's how I want to wake up every morning," he said pecking my lips in return. He kissed me slowly and I returned his kiss. The kiss quickly turned from gentle to hungry, the purr and groans rambling from his chest making my core ached.

" I can smell your arousal, mate," he growled and I was so dripping wet, I moaned and he snapped. One second he was kissing me and the next he ripped the shorts off and buried his face between my folds, licking and thrusting into me with his sensual tongue. Sewell groaned in between my legs, his hands was holding my thighs apart as he kept pleasuring me with his tongue. " Ahhh...Sel," I moaned not being able to take it anymore.

" Come for me, princess," he rasped against my core before plucking his tongue into my and I came hard. Goodness this man can make me melt with only his tongue.

" You taste," he stated and kissed me his manhood poking my Tommy. " I will be right back," he said and disappeared into the bathroom. Seconds later I heard the shower and I giggled at that. He's too good for a man.

I stood up, change the bedsheets and pillows. I went into the closet and brought out some clothes for him before he came out of the bathroom. I went to the bathroom as he exited and took my bath.

I wrapped his bathrobe around me and went into the closet. I took a black sweatpants which I think he owned when he was a teenager and pulled it on before slipping on one of his green shirt and exiting the room.

Sewell was sitting on the bed with a hand dryer in his hand as he was looking through his phone but set it aside and pulled a stool in between hi legs. He motioned for me to sit and I did. After sitting, he began to dry my hair with the dryer. After ten minutes, he switched it off, combed my hair and put it into a messy bun on top of my head before dragging me out of the room.

We made it to the dinning room where the pack members were eating their breakfasts. Everyone's heads snapped in our direction, they were looking at us as if what they were seeing was unbelievable but the females were looking at Sewell especially. As I'm hungry, I didn't spare time to know what expressions their faces held. We both sat down, Sewell took a plate and filled it with, becon, sandwich and some other foods. I stared at the food with furrowed brows when he set it infront of me.

" Eerrrmmm, how am I supposed to eat all this?" I asked looking at him.

" I know you can't eat all this, that's is why we are sharing it, now eat. With the amount of blood you lost last night, I don't want you to faint," he said with a grimace, seemingly hurt by the fact that he drank my blood. I smack his arm to snapped him out of it.

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