Chapter 22

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Sewell's P. O. V

My mate's blood was beyond delicious, darn how can someone's blood be this sweet. I almost drained her to death. After licking the blood off her neck, my entire being was filled with guilt and worry. I almost killed her, my mate. The thought alone made my wolf whimpered as I cuddled her to my chest gently.

I could see her fighting to stay conscious. "You look breathtaking," she said before slipping out of consciousness. I was confused after hearing her words, my brain working slow to make sense of what she had said but I heard gasps interrupted my thoughts.

"Someone call me, Sandra," I said as I stood up with her in my arms.

"Impossible, it can't be," I heard mom whispered making me furrow my brows more. Without thinking about the murmurs around me, I carried my mate into the house and to my room. I took her to the bathroom, bath her and changed her into one of my shirts and undies before putting her to bed. After our pack doctor checked her and made sure she was alright, she left. The whole time Sandra was checking her vitals, she kept giving me this weird smile and relief look which I failed to understand. Sandra has always been nice to me and loves me like her brother but those smiles were creeping me out.

After Sandra left, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After a quick shower, I went to the mirror and cleared the fog with my hand look at my horrible appearance.

A gasp flew past my lips as I stumbled backwards in disbelief. How possible is that, it must be an illusion right? There's no way that is happening because that woman said there's no way it would happen. I've carried this since I shifted.

Taking a deep breath, I walked towards the mirror with a shaken breath. I looked at my reflection in disbelief, even going as far as lifting my hand to gingerly touch my face as if afraid it would shutter and go back to it old self but nothing changed. My scarred face was gone as if it never exist, as if I've never carried such wound in my entire life and I don't understand how this came to be. I need to talk to someone and I know who that would be, it is only that person who could answer my questions.

I went into my closet, threw on a pair of black sweatpants, plain white t-shirt and a pair of flip-flops. Walking towards my mate I tucked her in. "I will be right back, baby," I whispered leaving a kiss on her forehead before exiting my room.

I walked into the living room to see the person I was going to see, sitting in the living room with my parents, the beta's, the gemma's and Zara's family. I went into the kitchen and got myself a bottle of water. Gulping it down I threw the now empty bottle into the trash can before going back into the living room and sitting on one of the black loveseat. I stared at my grandparents with a questioning gaze as if to ask "what the hell is going on with me?"

" What's going on?" I asked looking at my grandfather who looks like he was in his late thirties instead of early fifties.

" The thing is.....we have a curse running through our bloodline. It happens during every hundred years. The first Alpha of this pack was cursed by the most powerful witch because he chose his mate who was a human over her, violating their agreement of marriage.

At that time the pack was in danger and he sake her covens help which she agreed to in return for him to marry her. Thinking he's already in his early thirties and haven't found his mate he agreed to it, after all his pack always comes first so he didn't mind sacrificing himself. Although his wolf never agreed to that kind of treaty because it wanted it's mate but the human side still went ahead with it and signed the treaty not knowing that she actually casted a spell that will automatically activate if he were to violate the agreement.

During the war with the vampires he found his mate among them, she was a slave and has just turned eighteen. The vampire King's personal slave but he couldn't deny the mate bond, he wanted her so he did everything possible to have her, using the witch to save her from the king, all the while keeping it a secret from the witch that that girl was his true mate but who's the witch? She knew everything without being told.

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