Chapter 16

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Zara's P.O.V

The past two weeks has been good, Steven has been doing well and seem livelier than before.

He goes out with Celeste on weekends and sometimes plays football with his new friends. I and Sewell have been getting along fine but sometimes he seemed to be distance from the world, as if the world is weighing on his shoulders and Steven said same. I don't want to pressure him into saying anything he's uncomfortable with.

For the past two weeks I have this feeling that my brother is hiding something from me, is as if there's something  which he doesn't want to bother me with, I just hope it isn't anything severe. Why are men also complicated? Sigh, Sewell won't tell me his problems and Steven also won't, it makes me feel useless. I was currently walking outside with Sewell and his best friend, the man who came to disturb my sleep on the weekend when I came to the town. The boy is his son and they looks alike, very handsome but not as M. Muscles and Sewell.

We entered into a coffee shop and ordered something to drink, with some cookies. It was around three pm in the evening when we entered the coffee shop. Just as the coffee arrived, I felt this pain within my chest, the pain was too much that I groaned in agony. The two men looked at me in worry, I fought the pain for a while before standing up.

"What's wrong?" Sewell asked standing up as well.
"Steve, he's hurt badly," I murmured with dread. This can't be happening, why did I feel his pain, it only happens when.....oh goodness.

I snatched sewell's car keys and sprinted outside with the two men hot on my heels, we got into the car and zoomed off, the amount of speed I was using was unlawful but I don't care about that at all. The only thing on my mind is my brother, the drive which should have lasted for ten minutes lasted for four minutes. What I saw had my eyes stinging with tears, my world came crumbling down as well, just five minutes away from the school laid my brother in a pool of his own blood, I got out of the car and ran towards him. Sewell has contacted an ambulance for him which was there in no time.

I watched as they carried him onto the stretcher and into the ambulance, they put on an oxygen mask for him as I collected his stuffs with heavy heart before getting into the ambulance, I noticed a dagger stabbed into his chest and old and new bruises all over him. I knew immediately this wasn't a simple accident, that person better ran and make sure I never get to them otherwise.... only God knows what I would do to them.

My brother has been in the surgery for almost eight hours and I'm so nervohs yet angry, I haven't said a word since we came here but Sewell and Paul has been sitting here with me throughout the eight hours I was here and I was grateful for that.  Celeste and the others joined two hours ago but I haven't asked her and her friends even a single question, I want my brother to be fine first, once I get reassurance I will be at ease and I can release my anger. Sudden footsteps approached me doing a great job at distracting me from my thoughts, a woman with brunette hair stood before me with a smile.

"The results are out and it positive," she said handing me the test results for the DNA test I requested when we brought Steve.

"Thank you doctor," I said flipping the paper open, tears blurred my vision as I starred at the results in my hand, I thought he died but he really didn't and I'm going to get to the root of this but I'm happy he's with me now. Just as the brunette left the doors of the operation room opened and out came a middle aged man who conducted the surgery.

"The patient is stable but he could have a concussion after waking up because he has his his head pretty badly but apart from that he's good and would wake up in a day or two," he said and I gave him a polite nod of understanding as I breathe out a sigh of relief before my gaze harden. We all went to see my brother after he was pushed into a VIP ward. Seeing him like this made my chest tightened in pain but I was relief he was still alive, that's enough but not enough to free the person behind his accident.

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