Chapter 12

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Zara's P.O.V

"Come in," I said to Sewell after I opened the door to my house or home. We had dinner and I've taken a shower which he insisted I did because everyone was taking theirs before dinner, he even gave me a pair of sweatpants and one of his t-shirts to wear which I did without complain, I'm never that type of person who does her things at a stranger's place but.....I just like his company, it gives me peace which I have never had, the feeling is foreign but I like it but then again, I'm not going to admit it, that easily, not yet.

"Are you sure," he asked looking into my eyes as if searching for something, I don't know what he's searching for so I just gave him a nod before walking inside, I hope he doesn't think I'm acting weird, I will hate to make a bad impression on him.

"Sit down, I will be right back," I said walking towards the kitchen, I pulled my fridge opened and took out the box of pizza, I quickly placed all of it on a plate and put it into the microwave to heat. I got out two bottles of cokes and a bag of popcorn, after hearing the timer of microwave go off, I place everything on a serving tray before walking into the living room with it. I set it down on the tea table, grabbed the TV remote control and sat beside the young man.

"What should we watch? I don't have favourites movies though," I said as I switched On the TV.

"Let's watch the woman King, it a nice West Africa movie," Sewell replied taking the remote from my hand. "Okay, the woman King it is," I mumbled as he searched it on Netflix.

We started watching and eating what I brought out. The movie was really a nice and interesting one, the woman Naniska is very interesting. She's brave, bold and courageous and I love their king more because that man is just so straight forward.

By the time we were on the second movie which was entitled "Hobs and Shaw" I was dozing off with my head on Sewell's shoulders. A while later I felt someone carried me and placed me on a soft surface.

       Sewell's P.O.V
My beautiful mate has been dozing off, with her head on my shoulder for a while now. I put the TV off and carried her upstairs to her bedroom, I eased her onto the bed as gently as I could, without disturbing her sleep. She looks so beautiful with my shirt and sweatpants on her, I took off her shoes and unbraided her hair, I proceeded to cover her with a blanket before turning around to leave but felt a restriction on my hand.

"Stay with me, sleep here please," she pleaded after I turned to glance at her, I happily obliged to her request as I kicked off my boots and hoodie, leaving on only my t-shirt and sweatpants, well who my to  deny her? I laid beside her and pulled her into my arms causing her to hum and snuggled more into me chest, my wolf purred in satisfaction as we slept beside our mate for the second time since we met her. This mate we will cherish to the moon and back.

I woke up the next morning when I felt someone pushing through my head, I sighed as I ease the person in. "Good morning son," my father greeted.

"Good morning father," I responded with sleep thick in my voice which I'm sure he heard because he chuckled in amusement.

"I'm guessing someone slept with his beautiful mate in his arms last night," he tease as I laughed lightly.

"Yeah, you guess correctly dear father," I replied happily.

"Good to here but I need you to come home.... like now so that we can discussed a few issues before you get back to your mate," my dad said, his tone becoming serious at the end.

"Okay, errmm.. I will be there in twenty minutes okay," I said after thinking about it.

"Okay, that sounds good," he responded before cutting the link. I let a sigh escaped my lips before I slipped out of bed. I went downstairs and made a quick breakfast for my mate, after setting the breakfast on the dining table and covering it I made my way back upstairs to take a quick shower. After putting on some of the clothes she had bought for me last time I left a kiss on her forehead before going back home.

I got to the pack house within five minutes, I let go of a sigh entering the living room and making my way to the dinning room to get something into my protesting stomach, I also made sure my face was void of any emotions before walking into the dinning room.

All eyes turned to me as soon as I walked in, I fought the edge to go to my room as my family turned to look at me, my mother motioned for me to seat beside her and I did.

"Good morning," I greeted as my mother started putting food onto a plate for me which I was grateful for."How was last night and why did you spend the night there?" My sister asked with curiousity clear in her voice.

"It was good and she asked me to spend the night with her, so I did," I replied looking anywhere but her.

"Wow, and why are you here alone because I'm sure she wouldn't have allowed you to walk all the way here," Celeste said with raised brows.

"She's still sleeping. Stop questioning and lemme enjoy my breakfast," I said as I took a bite of my pancake.

"You're not fun," Celeste mumbled before continuing to eat.

We were almost done with breakfast when Laura asked a question which got my parents angry and me stiffening as my stomach churn and I suddenly lost my appetite as well.

"Does she know that you're a werewolf and a cursed one at that?" Laura's voice kept ringing in my head as I tried to keep my vision clear.

"Don't you dare talk to him like that, weather she knows or not doesn't concern you," my dad snarled in anger but Laura brushed off his anger as she kept her gaze on me.

"I mean, she's beautiful, sexy and smart so why would she chose to be with someone like you when she can easily get any man she desires," she continued, enjoying how her words made me feel, I pursed my lips tightly as my wolf whimpered at the thought of our mate rejecting us.

"Six mates has rejected you and even a human has done it before so what makes you think this one would be any different from them. A soon as she sees the real you she would say those words that has become an anthem in your poor excuse of life," she said causing some of her friends to laugh at me in a matter of seconds.

"Zara would hate and despise you, mark my words," she said as I felt something slide down my face but I also feels my family's hatred towards Laura, the only reason she's still talking is because I told them not to beat the shit out of her.

"Zara is someone who doesn't trust easily so imagine what will happen once she finds out. She would hate you and rej.....

"No I wouldn't, I would never hate you and you know it, I'm sure whatever it is you know deep down that I would never," a voice so familiar said from the entrance with assurance dripping through every word that escapes her lips, I turned to look at my mate as she stood there with a cold face before anyone could say a word she started stalking towards Laura with a cold gaze.

"Lemme make something clear to you young woman," my mate said as she looked down at Laura.

"You do not know me so don't ever say anything to him about what I would do if I come to know whatever it is you are talking about. I don't like others I have no relationship with insinuating things I wouldn't do and stop calling me Zara. I hate my name on your lips," my mate said each word calmly before walking to where I was sitting.

"You're making a mistake. I'm sure you'll be looking for me the day you get to know his secret," Laura spat angrily causing Zara to chuckle darkly.

"Really, I can't wait for that day. A day which I would get a reason to whoop your bitchy ass, that day I would make sure each and every one of you here learns a lesson some of your parents luck to teach you and after I'm done with you I will teach your excuse of parents how to tame feral dogs and keep a tight leash on them," my mate replied with a snort before wiping my tear stained cheek with a soft look while Laura seethed at her insult while my dared gave her a warning look.

"Don't cry over baseless issues, especially one from stray dogs. I would never hurt you, everyone has their own secretes and I do as well. No matter what yours is don't allow people to use it against you,they have no right to judge who you are because you didn't choose to be like that," my mate told me firmly, I wonder what I did to be mated to a wonderful woman like her, my wolf smiled at her words. Her previous actions has shocked everyone, no one outside my family has stood up for me before but this woman did for twice without knowing exactly what it meant to me.

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