Chapter 25

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      Sewell's P. O. V

"We're here for my brother so open," my mate said extremely coldly and the seal on the cave immediately parted into two, shocking her father and I.

We entered the cave and started walking through, the door closing behind us gently.

Damien and I kept wondering how Zara knew how to make this mysterious cave open with just a single sentence. I made a mental note to ask her late as I threw her dad a look who mirrored my look with the same thought in mind.

The Walk lasted about five minutes before they came into an opening. An ancient castle stood in front of us on it's glory, looking dead in my eyes.

It was built in a Greek style. Although the castle was beautiful it held a cold feeling to it, I think it's because the creatures leaving here are literally living corpses. I mean vampires are cold creatures with no blood running through their veins even with the amount of blood they suck in a day.

Something about it seemed sinister but there's nothing more sinister than our aura combine as we stood in front of the castle like building. My mate's and her father's aura becoming suffocating every second.

"He's here. I can feel it," I heard Zara say calmly, her aura darker and increasing in folds.

" lI can smell him too," I added with the same tone as my eyes scanned the surrounding areas intently, my wolf was on edge. He was boiling with anger at their disrespect towards our family.

"I do as well and if they as much as touch a hair on his head, I will castrate every single one of them," Damien added with frosty eyes as he kept glaring at the castle with a dark look in his already frosty eyes.

"I'm definitely supporting you," I added in with the same look while Zara chuckled darkly.

"They will be in more trouble than castration," She added in a dark tone which made a shiver run down our spines. Do remind me not to offend her, ever.

From her tone we knew she was dead serious. There was a dark aura surrounding my mate which was saying " don't mess with me otherwise you'll not live to regret it". It was scary really. Goodness, she looks so sexy with all that murderous aura.

"Let's roll," Zara's voice floated into our hearing, a smirk evident in her tone. Thank Goddess I'm not her enemy.

I kicked the door off its hinges after we got close enough. We made our way into the larger hall just to be surrounded by vampires. They were all wearing all black as if they were prepared for a funeral but I know death doesn't faze them even in the slightest.

"Well, well, well, if it not the infamous heir of the the almighty Alpha Jason who would it be," a familiar voice stated an amused laugh whiles Zara and Damien gave the person in question an unimpressed look.

"I see you have companions and that girl is truly sexy isn't she," the same voice added again causing his companions to chuckle as they look at my mate with a sudden lust swimming in their eyes. I fought back a possessive and angry growl as I kept on a blank look whiles my inside boiled with rage. I so itch to shift partially and claw their faces and rip off their heads and hearts out of their chest.

"So I'm guessing you came here for the boy. Let's not beat about the bush," he said with a smug look. Seemingly feeling good about what having Rain in his custody. Oh, if only he knew what he was dealing with. I shot him a blank look as he descended the golden stairs.

"He isn't here to hear meaningless words, so are we," Damien said coldly as he glared at the vampire blankly, hiding all his emotions just like me.

"And who are you? Do you even know who you're talking to?" the vampire in question asked with a cold gaze, seemingly angry with the way Damien talked to him.

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