Chapter 25

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Today is the day I get to see my best friends! The guys have been on tour in the UK for a couple weeks now. They just finished playing in Belfast and they fly over soon for the first show in Scotland.

I talked to Cal about a week ago and he reassured me that everything is settled between him and Luke and that I wasn't to worry about any weird tension between the tree of us when I go to the gig.

I got ready for the night ahead and made my way to the venue. Calum said to text him when I got there and he'd get someone to come find me and bring me backstage.


I finally arrived at the venue after what seemed to be the longest hour bus journey of my life. I wish I was able to afford a car, it would make things so much easier. I texted Cal and soon enough one of the security guards was taking me backstage.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't shaking with nerves. I mean I haven't seen these people in over a year! But I was so excited to see the at the same time. I've missed them all so much.

We got to the boys dressing room and it seemed to be empty. The security guard told me the boys should be around here somewhere and to just take a seat till I got comfortable. So that's what I did. There was a big black leather sofa in the middle of the room so I sat down and made myself comfy.

I had been sitting for a couple minutes looking around the room, then decided to take me phone out of my pocket and scroll through my social media until the boys came back.

Just as I start scrolling through Twitter someone walks in the room. I look up and see Luke standing with his back to me.

"Luke?" I say just above a whisper.

The tall blonde breadstick quickly turned around and just stared at me.

After I couple minutes of us just staring at each other in an awkward silence, he finally spoke up.

"H-hi..." He stuttered.

"Hi." I said with a small smile on my face.

"They um, never told me you were coming." He said.

"Oh...Well ugh, yeah I'm here." I shrugged my shoulders and stood up.

"So..." Luke dragged out, scratching the back of his neck.
"How ar-"



We kept saying these things and the same time, which made me giggle and made Luke look down at the floor and continue to scratch the back of his neck.

"I've really missed you." Luke blurted out, snapping his head back up so we made eye contact.

"I missed you too Luke." I said, smiling a little more.

"I-I thought you hated me?" He questioned.

"Luke, I was angry, like really, really angry. I was confused and I was upset but I never hated you, I could never hate you." I rambled, walking closer to Luke.

"You should hate me, Calum should hate me too. I would hate me." He said, like he was about to cry.

"Don't be stupid. Me and Calum have moved on from what happened. I want to be able to do the same with you." I said.

The gap between us now was pretty much non existent. Luke towered over me whilst I pulled my neck back so I could still see his ocean blue eyes.

We stood there just staring into each other's eyes. I missed these moments with Luke where I could just admire his beautiful bright blue eyes that made everyone swoon.

Luke slowly began to move his head lower down so that our lips where almost brushing. My breath became unsteady as the tension built up.

I let myself reach up whilst Luke continued to reach down so that our lips eventually met. Without being incredibly cliché, it was like a thousand fireworks had just gone off around us. I let myself smile into the kiss and it began to deepen a little more.

"Hey Luke...woah, sorry guys." I voice interrupted us. Making us pull apart.

I turned around to see Ashton standing in the door way. Without even thinking I quickly ran up to him.

"ASHTON!" I screamed hugging him tightly.

"Hey kiddo, we've missed you." he said squeezing me in the hug.

"You don't understand how much I've missed you guys." I said pulling away.

"I think you missed Mr Hemmings over there a bit too much by the looks of that kiss." Ash said winking.

I playfully slapped him on the arm which led to us bursting into hysterics.

Luke hadn't said anything since Ash had walked in the room. He just sat down on the sofa and scrolled through his phone.

"I'm going to get the other guys and tell them you're here. The girls haven't shut up about seeing you since we left Sydney. It's been so fucking annoying." He rambled.

"Hey don't swear." I said bursting into laughter yet again, Ashton allowing himself to do the same before running out of the room.

I sat down next to Luke, making him look up from his phone.

"Hey, why did you go all moody when Ash came in." I questioned.

He just shrugged and looked back at his phone.

"Ugh!" I groaned. "Luke your mood swings are worse than a teenage girls who has just started her flaming period. What's wrong." I said angrily.

"Nothing." he said, which gained a frowning look from myself, making him continue.
"Fine. We were having such a nice moment and then as soon as Ash came in it was like nothing had happened." he said.

"Luke, I wasn't going to continue what we were doing when Ash was right there. I mean, you've got to remember I haven't seen any of you lot in over a year. I missed everyone. Plus if I'm honest, I'm kinda really confused with what just happened between us. I mean, we've not seen each other for so long and I've tried my hardest to forget about ever being apart of whatever we were and now suddenly that happens. I'm just really confused." I rambled on, with a pretty angry tone in my voice.

Before Luke could saying anything back, Ashton came running into the room again with four other people.

"EMMA! We missed you!" They all screamed, before they all attacked me with the biggest hugs.

We sat for a little bit talking about things we've missed and little bit about what it's been like for me living here. Not long after, the boys were called to stage which meant the concert was going to start very soon. Me, Louise and Charlotte said quick goodbyes and good luck to the boys before leaving them to get ready for the show. Before I left the room Luke grabbed my wrist, turning my around to face him.

"We'll talk after the show." was all he said, before letting go of my arm and turning away



Sorry it has been so long since I last updated. Hopefully this chapter is long enough to make up for it though

Also, I haven't read over it so sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.

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