Chapter 10

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Emma's P.O.V

3 weeks later...

To say my life hasn't been simple since I moved to Sydney is an understatement. After my amazing night with Luke, I couldn't stop thinking of Calum.

Two days after, me and Calum decide to sort things out. He apologised a lot and after a very long thinking process, we decided to give it another go.

Calum and I are very happy right now and I'm so glad. Obviously I still have some trust issues with him, but I try not to think about it because we are so happy.

When Luke found out, he stopped talking to me. I hated not having him there. Although I hadn't known him long, he certainly had become a very close friend. Luke never really seemed to be around much. He wouldn't come to school and the boys said he wasn't showing up to band practice. It's pretty hard practicing without your lead singer apparently.

I was getting really worried about him, so I decided to text and make sure he was alright.

Heyy, are you okay? Haven't seen you at school and the boys said you aren't going to band practice? :( x

I was shocked to get such an instant reply, considering he'd been ignoring me for three weeks.

I just don't want to be around you and Calum right now. I thought we had something but obviously you just wanted to get back at him. I bet he probably doesn't even know we slept together because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be with you if he did. Just so you know, when he breaks your heart again, don't come crying to me again.

As I read Luke's text the tears streamed down my face. I just couldn't believe he would say something like that. It felt like a dagger going through my heart.

I was facing the inside of my locker the whole time, so when I felt a pair of hands around my waist I jumped.

"Hey, what's wrong babe?" Calum whispered worryingly in my ear.

I spun round, quickly rubbing the tears from my face.

"Nothing, it's fine. I'm a girl, my emotions are all over the place." I tried to laugh it off.

"Are you sure, I don't like seeing my girl upset." Calum said placing his hands either side of my face.

"I'm sure." I said through a fake smile.

Calum pulled my face to his and have me a quick peck on the lips. I turned around grabbing my books from my locker. When I had closed my locker, I turned back around to see Charlotte, Louise and Michael all waiting to go to class.

As we walked, Charlotte and Louise made me walk slower behind the guys.

"What's up?" Charlotte said, loud enough for only us three to hear.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Bullshit! It's obvious you've been crying. Now what is it?" Louise quickly butted in.

Luke's text popped back into my head making a tear role down yet again. Char and Lou quickly pulled me into the girls bathroom. Checking no one else was around.

"Right, you're clearly not fine. Tell us what's wrong." Charlotte insisted.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone, especially Calum. And you have to promise not to hate me either." I sternly said.

The two girls gave me confused looks before agreeing.


Sorry this is a pretty short one. It's kinda a filler for what's happening next. I have some ideas for a I want to happen but I need little fillers so it makes sense.

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