Chapter 11

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"Wait so you and Luke had sex?" Louise said, her eyes as wide as they could possibly go.

I didn't say anything back, I just nodded in response.

"OMG! Why didn't you tell us about all of this!" Charlotte said.

"And why did you think we'd hate you?" Louise added.

"Luke was the only person that knew about Calum cheating on me because he was with me when I found him. And I thought you'd hate me because I've treated two of your best guy friends like shit." I said quietly.

"Em, it was obvious from the minute Luke saw you he liked you, so I'm not surprised you two slept together." Louise laughed.

"Yeah, and it's not like you and Calum were together when it happened, so you didn't exactly cheat on him. Where as Cal cheated on you." Charlotte agreed with Louise.

I quickly pulled the two girls into a group hug. I was so glad they understood and didn't hate me, even though I hated myself. I am so thankful that I met Charlotte and Louise, they have very quickly become my two best friends, I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

We pulled away from our group hug when I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket of my ripped skinny jeans.

Can we meet? We need to talk.

"Is that Luke?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah...He wants to meet so we can 'talk'" I replied.

"When are you going to meet him?" Charlotte continued.

"I don't know. We have school and then I'm meant to be going to Calum's, so it couldn't be today." I sighed.

"We'll cover for you!" Louise basically shouted. "You two seriously need to sort yourselves out so our group can go back to normal."

"Louise is right. I hate us all not being together, and the boys band is suffering. If I here Ashton complain about Luke not showing up one more time, I will seriously loose it!" Charlotte said before giving a slight laugh at the end.

I quickly texted Luke back, letting him know I'd meet him.

Hey, I think talking is a good idea. Are you able to meet me in say, 15 minutes?

Sure. Pizza place?

Yeah, see you there x

I let Charlotte and Louise know what was happening and they both agreed on how they'd cover for me.

I said goodbye to the girls, grabbed my things, and left to talk to Luke...

Again, a very short one, sorry. Hopefully you're still enjoying it though. I know I am!

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