Chapter 3

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This chapter is a little shorter. Luke is going to be in the story more from the next chapter btw.
Enjoy chapter 3


Emma's P.O.V

"SURPRISE!" I shouted still holding my phone to my ear, when Calum opened the door.

"Oh my god! Emma, what are you doing here?" Calum says, letting his phone slip out of his hand and onto the floor.

"Nice to see you too." I said laughing.

"Ah! I've missed you so much!" Calum says, running to give me a hug.

"I've missed you too!" I say, hugging him back tighter.

We step inside his house, closing the door behind us.

"Still, why are you here and not in Scotland? You just started back at school." he says, still obviously shocked at my arrival.

"We've moved out here. We needed a change and we thought, where better to go than Australia." I said with a massive smile on my face.

"Why didn't you tell me? How long has this been planned? How long are you staying for?" Calum quickly asked me.

"Woah, so many questions at once." I said laughing. "First, I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise. Second, we've been talking about moving since May-" I say before Calum interrupts me.

"May!? It's September Em! You kept this from me for 4 months. Calum says with an angry tone in his voice.

"Like I said, I wanted to surprise you." I said. I was a little taken a back with Calum's reaction. I thought he'd be a little happier with this surprise.
"As I was saying, we didn't decide on here until July when my parents saw how happy we were together." I said, giving him a small smile.

"So you're here for good?" Calum said. He still didn't sound as excited as I expected him too.

I didn't think to much into his reaction. I guess he was still in shock at my surprise arrival and I didn't really blame him, I have kept this from him for a while.

"Yeah for good." I said, giving him a bigger smile.

Calum gave me a light smile and then gave me a hug.

Something didn't seem right with him...


Oohh! Cliffhanger!
I'm actually so pleased with how this is turning out. Hope you are enjoying it as much as me.

Also if you have any suggestions for the story that I can add, leave it in the comments ad I'll try my best to add it to the story at some point.

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